Wednesday, December 4, 2019

I've Got Them, Do You?

Wednesday, December 04/19

So this morning while I was getting dressed for work I did something that caused me to stop and think about my action.

I didn't do anything bad, didn't have a horrible thought, didn't really do anything that should get me banned from saying WalMart, but it still made me stop, think, chuckle, and smile.

So what exactly did I do?

I put my socks on.

Okay, maybe that's not all of the story, but it is a good hook don't you agree?

It did start with me putting my socks on. Something I do almost every morning before I leave the house unless of course it's the summer and I'm heading out to play some golf. In that case, it's my Nike sandals for a quick change at the course :)

But it also started with me pulling my socks off as well.

I bet you are wondering if I noticed a hole in one of them? Nope, perfectly good pair of socks, actually Tommy Hilfiger if I'm being honest.

Were they not matched? Seriously, do you really think a guy as put together as moi would ever wear mismatched socks? They matched, didn't I already mention they were Tommy Hilfiger.

Did they not go with my planned outfit? I was going to be putting on a pair of Levu jeans in a moment so that couldn't have been what made me stop putting on my socks.

I can sense you gnashing your teeth in frustration and reaching to throw something across the room so I'm going to put you out of your misery and explain. Happy now?

I noticed that I was putting on my left sock first and froze in mid pull. I looked around my room as if someone might have seen me, smiled at myself, and pulled it off and proceeded to put my right sock on first and then the left.

Once my socks were on I realized that this wasn't the first time I've done this, start to put the left on first and stop to pull it off before actually putting the right on first.

This is one of just several little quirks, peccadillos, or idiosyncrasies I appear to have developed over the years.

One that drives my son nuts is turning on the car alarm exactly 3 times so it beeps. To let you in on a little secret I just do that when he's around as I like seeing him shake his head at me lol

Some others I have are always sitting on the left end of the couch when I get home from work for a minute or two before shifting ends, sleeping on the left side of the bed (left as defined if you were standing at the bottom of the bed looking towards the headboard), always cutting the lawn from side to side and then front to back, and here is one from golf, I always carry exactly 5 tees in my right pocket, if one break's I replace it right away.

I'm sure I have more but those come to mind right off the bat.

Nothing earth-shattering but I did find it amusing when the whole sock thing came about.

So give it a thought and see what are some of the things you do that done out of order would make you feel slightly uncomfortable? I'd love to know and get some reassurance that I'm not totally alone with these little quirks :)

My name is Marcus and its the season to be merry, or so I've been told :-)

For today's musical suggestions we've traveled back over 45 years to bring you "Hold Your Head Up" by Argent. I totally forgot all about this one until it was playing as some background music on a YouTube video I happened to watch yesterday. You are welcome :-)

The fool behind this blog can be reached at

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