Sunday, December 1, 2019

Happy New Month :-)

Sunday, December 01/19

We have finally hit the home stretch for 2019 with the arrival of December this morning.

What would normally have been a lazy Sunday was anything but......

Winter tires installed on the car? Check
Some Christmas shopping completed? Check
Grocery shopping completed? Check
Christmas decorations pulled from storage? Check
Additional decorations purchased for the upstairs? Check
Christmas decorations put up? Check

Now there is a story behind those decorations being done today but I'm not in the right frame of mind to tell it right now without putting something down I might come to regret later.

It's funny how you go through life thinking one thing about how decisions are made and the equality of those decisions only to realize that they've favored the other party almost 9 out of 10 times and you get told to not be upset and live with it.

It might be a very interesting holiday season for me as I've decided to put myself first for the first time in, well maybe forever.....

Sometimes it takes getting fucked over to realize how much of a pushover you've been for years and grow a spine and say enough is enough.

If people don't like it, they don't need to talk to me or see me. Seems pretty straightforward to me.

Wish I was heading off on a holiday down south right after Christmas but maybe next year, one can hope.

So my new month started off with a bang and not the fun one either, but it is what it is.

Oh, and no text today from my unknown friend either so I've got that going for me too bot.

Here's hoping the new month gets better starting tomorrow, oh shit, tomorrow is a Monday and we all know how those tend to go........I'm so screwed now.....

My name is Marcus and these are my stories about parenting, working, golfing, and dating. Well, really 3 of those 4 and I'll let you figure out which they currently encompass :)

Today's musical suggestion is "Some Sing, Some Dance" by Michael Pagliaro. Now here is the shocker, he is a Francophone musician, just goes to prove my taste in music knows no bounds lol

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