Thursday, December 12, 2019

Some Random One Off's

Thursday, December 12/19

Today and yesterday were those kinds of days where I'm reminded of the saying "Be careful what you wish for as you just might get it"

What do I mean by that? My last job didn't really push me at all and I found myself extremely bored most days.

The new job has been a constant whirl of activity and forces me to stay on top of a multitude of things. I think the total combined time I was actually at my workstation over the past 2 days is maybe 2.5 hours max, and I'd say about 1.25 of those were only because I had to sit somewhere to dial into a conference call or three lol

I've fallen a little behind on my Christmas shopping but hope to finish things off this weekend.

I'm going to lunch with my son on Saturday at a local craft brewery for a pint and sandwich before heading down to watch my amazing grandson for the night while his parents go out for dinner with some friends.

All that to say I've not had a chance to really post a new blog entry, though there is one percolating around my mostly empty cranium centered around how we act differently this time of year.

In the meantime please enjoy some random things I've either pondered or come across.......

People are excited about the new iPhone but no one has caught up with the awesome technology of using your turn signal when driving

Sometimes I get road rage walking behind people in the grocery store

It's a shame children these days don't know their cousins! When I was younger my cousins were the closest thing to a sibling

The trick is to not let people know how weird you really are until it's too late for them to back out

Life is difficult, more so for stupid people

I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow doesn't look good either.

I'm sorry did I roll my eyes out loud?

Never say "Oops."  Always say "Ahh, interesting"

If "Plan A" didn't work, remember the alphabet has 25 more letters!. Stay cool.

My name is Marcus and I never make lemonade when life hands me lemons.

Today's musical suggestion is "Lola/Joseph" by July Talk. The male lead singer of this group has a very raspy voice but man does it ever work for them!!

ooasm2018@gmail is the place to hit the blogger up for questions, comments, and general chats

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