Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Having Some Second Thoughts

Tuesday, December 17/19

So about 3 weeks ago my company announced the details around the Christmas Party and requested employees RSVP as soon as possible whether or not you were going and if it was you and a plus one or just you.

I kind of got ahead of myself and let my inner optimist take over when I responded by putting myself down with a plus one.

Now I am three nights away from what I'm hearing is going to be a pretty damn good party and I'm no closer to having a plus one than I was three months ago.

From the sounds of things a lot of people are going as part of a couple and about a third are going single and ready to mingle lol

A few coworkers have asked me if I'm going and I've said maybe.

I was pretty pumped to go in the beginning but now the thought of going alone is kind of sad and makes me feel like I'm going to bail at the last minute, par the course for me I guess.

Going will either be a blast or totally leave me curled up in the fetal position asking myself just what the hell I was thinking when I signed up to attend.

The last Christmas party I attended was 2014 and I did have a great time, far better than I expected, and I was there with a plus one, so that made all the difference in the world, even though we'd only been dating a short while, asking her to go with me turned out to be one of my best throw of the dice ever :)

So what do you the fine readers think I should do?

Option A - attend the party

Option B - finish my Christmas shopping at Bayshore

My name is Marcus and I don't often leave decisions about my life in the readers hands but when I do I tend to go big :-)

Cast your vote at ooasm2018@gmail.com

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