Monday, December 2, 2019

Saturday Was More Difficult Than I imagined It Would Be....

Monday, December 02/19

So Saturday was my grandson's third birthday party and my daughter arranged a petting zoo to come to the party and entertain the kids.

Now because my daughter has a yappy little Pomeranian named Benny and my son in law has a squat and uber strong French Bulldog named Tyson they asked me if they could bring the dogs to my place for the day so they wouldn't be too much trouble at the party, I really think it's because they were worried Tysommight eat all the zoo animals, I say that jokingly but there's probably some truth to that statement.

Benny is kind of snuggly and Tyson tries his best but I've never really warmed up to either of them, not sure why but it just the way it is with me and them.

I was working in my office when Benny wandered by the door on his way to check out my son's room and I caught him out of the corner of my eye and without even thinking said: "What are you up to Moki?"

I realized my words almost as soon as they crossed my lips and just wanted to cry as once more I was reminded of how much I miss my little pupper.

Both Tyson and Benny wandered around the house snuffing the floor and furniture and I didn't understand why until Tyson looked up at me as if to ask "where is that dog we used to visit here"

I never imagined that they would miss Moki but I honestly think they did and sort of picked up on my own wavering emotions as Benny hopped into my lap and curled up in a little ball while Tyson, never known to snuggle at tall, laid down next to me and put his head on my knee and just sat there with me looking out the front window.

I had to smile as they two wonderful puppers did all they could to calm my emotions and remind me that while Moki isn't here to snuggle with me, she's still around making sure I stay on an even keel, even if it means channeling through her former buddies.

Christmas decorating was tough yesterday as I was reminded that I wouldn't be giving out gifts to the kids this year from her nor trying to find her a special gift at Petsmart.

I was asked by a friend at work last week if I'm going to get another dog and I explained about my daughter trying to set me up with Jet and it being a bit too soon, but did admit that this spring might see me reconsidering my plans........

My name is Marcus and the grieving process continues for this old man.

These are the ongoing adventures of one single, white, older man's attempts at parenting, working, golfing, and on the odd time, dating.

I'm going with Angels & Airwaves "Kiss & Tell" for today's musical suggestion. Listen and tell me who they remind you of as they do have a sound that should make you think of another artist/group :)

I love reading questions and comments, well the nice ones at least lol, so hit me up at and make an old guy smile, I dare you!

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