Today's musical recommendation -> "Secrets" by
One Republic
December 16/11 - A special thank you
I'm torn between two potential posts and will mull them over
at lunch and choose one to post this afternoon.
Ok, I had two topics to consider posting about. One was kind
of light and fluffy, sort of a perfect feel good post to kick off the weekend.
The other isn't dark and heavy but does come with some tough memories that I
already battle enough as it is.
So you can guess which one I went with right?
Some of you who read the blog may be familiar with the
background to this posting and apologies for making you read it again but as my
friend Deborah likes to say, it is what it is :)
Two years ago my son came home from school feeling ill with
what we thought was a regular run of the mill cold/virus. Little did we know
that this cold was really a major sinus infection that over the course of two
weeks resulted in a brain abscess that required emergency surgery @ 5am on
December 5th that lasted almost 10 hours. The first week post surgery was
really a blur and spent sitting with my son in the Ped's ICU as they pretty
much kept him sleeping while pumping him full of antibiotics, his mom and I
alternated days so one of us was with him at all times and spent the time
reading to him or telling him stories. While he doesn't remember much of that
week he does now and again mention the story about the prince on the journey
that I spun out over those long days......
Now this posting isn't about the ordeal itself but rather
about what one fellow fish on the pond did for me that to this day still makes
me smile as I know I had been fast approaching my breaking point.....and what
she did for me happened exactly two years ago this weekend........
Just before my son got sick I'd started chatting with a lady
named Laura and she wasn't sure if she was up for anything man wise as she was
going through a rather bitter breakup. She is a highly paid consultant and her
ex was trying to sue her for support and as you can imagine that didn't sit
well with her. This sort of worked against anything happening between us and I
was ok with that as I wasn't sure what I was looking for at the time, so we
kept chatting and when my son got sick I sort of dropped off the radar and
wasn't on POF at all or answering any emails. Once he had stabilized and been
moved to a regular room things calmed down a bit and his mom and I kept to the
alternate days with him. Just made it easier with work and gave each of us a
chance to step away from the hospital and tend to the everyday things life
throws our way.
Laura had sent me several messages and I called her to tell
her what had gone on and thanked her for checking up on me. I'm an only child
so my only family is really my children as both my parents have passed so I had
to deal with everything on my own and those 2+ weeks were emotionally brutal.
It was a Saturday afternoon and I had just done some laundry when we started
chatting and she must have sensed how frayed I was from everything as she said
it was time we met and had some I'm not a big drinker but I have
to say the thought was very appealing at the moment so I agreed and we set a
time to meet at the D’Arcy McGee's in Bells Corners.
Now most pubs are crowded on a Saturday night but they're
even more so on a weekend in December so you can imagine how busy and loud it
was for our first meeting. I was pretty nervous as she had said all the right
things to get me interested and was kind of cute to boot. Well she sat down
next to me at the bar and leaned over and gave me a hug and soft kiss on my
cheek, smiled and told me it was time to relax. We than spent the next 3+ hours
sitting at a little table just talking about anything and everything....except
for the Friday when I had to take my son to CHEO and make some of the hardest
decisions in my life......I think she knew I was holding back as she stood up
and said it was time to leave....I was taken a little aback as I thought things
were going really well and she must have seen this on my face as she laughed
and said it was time for me to get drunk and since drinking and driving don't
mix we had to move the party to her place. She lived like 5 minutes away so I
thought to myself "why not?" and agreed. I jokingly told her that is
this was some plan to get me to sleep with her it wasn't going to work as I
didn't do that on a first date. She just smiled at me as we walked to the
parking lot. I followed her to her place and she gave me a tour and the pride
she had in it was obvious as she had done most of the remodeling herself.
We stood around her kitchen for the next several hours and
went through a couple of bottles of wine, she told me she loved white wine and
had a few she wanted me to try, and as the night wore on she got me talking
about what had happened that fateful Friday.......I can tell you it was so hard
to talk about it but in her line of work she knew that I needed to get it out
and talk to someone........I told her about feeling helpless as my son had a CT
scan and then an MRI, how I couldn't get a hold of his mom, how they had to
call in a neurologist to review the scan, sitting there as he told me my son
was going to die if they didn't operate but that the surgery could also kill
him...telling me he'd leave me to think about saying there wasn't
anything to think about....I do nothing and he dies, I authorize surgery and
there's a 50/50 chance he dies....all the while I'm facing this decision on my
own........and trying to comfort my son and not letting him see the terror
raging away inside me........the anger and hurt I felt at the whole
situation....anger that his virus had spiraled into something so horrible, at
my ex for not being there, at myself, hurt for the pain my son was in, guilt
that it even happened..........
and then the tears came......for the first time since the ordeal started I let down my barriers and cried....and cried..........Laura stepped in front of me and just hugged me.......not saying a word, knowing that the silence and release of my tears were what I really needed more than anything..........
By than the wine and emotions had taken a toll on my energy
so she guided me to her room and gently pushed me onto her bed, taking off my
pants and shirt and pulling the comforter up.....she laid down on top of it
next to me and softly stroked my hair as I fell asleep and slept the first
sleep that lasted more than an hour.......
I had to be at CHEO for 9am on Sunday so when my iPhone
alarm beeped at 7am I woke up with a start not recognizing where I was at
first.....looking over I saw her waking up and she leaned over and softly
kissed me good morning.........I explained that I had to go and hoped she understood.....she
smiled and told me everything was was at that point that I
realized I was only in my boxers and started to blush....looking at her I saw
she was in some rather sexy pj shorts and tank top.......she laughed and said
I'd been true to my word.....kind of......I had slept with her but nothing
carnal had happened between us
When I got to CHEO and to my son's room both his mother and
him commented on how much more relaxed I seemed. I just smiled and got settled
in for another day of movies and books with my son :)
Shortly after that things heated up between Laura and her ex
and she shut down dealing with men as she was feeling angry about his
games.........she closed down her profile and along the way we lost
touch........but to this day I'm convinced that one night saved me from losing
my every time I pass her neighborhood I smile and say a silent
thank you to a wonderful woman named Laura.........
So you might be wondering what made me decide to take the
hard route and the answer, as always, is centered around my son.....on the
drive to school this morning he asked me if there was something wrong and I
told him no, why did he ask, he responded that I looked kind of sad and I
smiled and said I was just thinking back to '09.....he reached over and held my
hand and said the angels looked out over us......little does he know how right
he is :)
So this weekend I'm in bachelor mode and come Saturday night
I'll pour a glass of wine and toast Laura and the magic she did in bringing my
soul back from the brink.............
Thank you Laura and I hope with all my heart you've found
someone who makes you smile like you did for me that night two years