Today's musical recommendation -> "Invisible"
by Skylar Grey
December 14/11
I have about 4 or 5 topics floating around and just haven't
been able to wrap myself around one with enough passion to post anything about
them yet but didn't want to go a week without an entry as I get far more
messages asking where the next blog is than I ever thought I would lol
So today will be a hodge podge of stuff to consider......
You know what, ignore that last bit and let’s talk about
I know that isn't a topic that most people like to discuss,
nor is it one that POF says you should talk about when first getting to know
someone but I think that is just plain wrong. If you have a certain belief set
wouldn't you want to know if the person whose profile you're interested in has
some like beliefs - I know I would.
So here is my position on God and religion - I believe in
Pretty simple and so far so good right?
Now here comes the rub, and those of you who follow my
postings knew one was coming right?......I probably don't hold the same view of
God as you do.
Now many of you might be sitting there wondering what I mean
so let me clarify things a little bit for you.
I'm Roman Catholic and go to church, though I'm sure not as
often as my parish priest would like, and follow the tenants of the church for
the most part.
Where I'm different comes into play when you understand that
the church takes the position that God is all knowing and actively involved in
our lives on a daily basis and this is where my problem comes up.
The church will tell you that man sins, is punished, and
then forgiven. I'm ok with the theory but have a little issue with the
application when it comes to certain things going on in life.
If our God is all knowing and active in our daily lives than
he needs to explain to me the benefit of babies being born crack addicts,
children who are permitted to be in homes where they are abused, drunk drivers
getting into accidents that kill people and yet they walk away with nary a
scratch, one race or religion waging genocide on another............
My take on God is he puts us here with the ability to decide
things for ourselves and the hope that we can make the right choices but the
one thing he isn't doing is sitting around to make sure the 7+ billion citizens
of this planet are actually doing so. My God is more a hands off God who has
moved onto something more important than watching to see if I went 3 miles over
the speed limit.
I know my math seems off as there aren't 7+ billion
Catholics but I'm one of those people who understand that we all can worship
our religious deity of choice and still call him God. My God might be your
Allah or your Buddha or anything else you choose to call him and I'm ok with
that. I won't try and force my beliefs on you nor accept yours in order just to
make you happy.
My mom had me baptized when I was born and then left me to
work out my own take on religion. I often wondered why she did it that way and
it dawned on me years ago that she wanted me to think for myself and not just
follow the dogma as handed down from the pulpit in the Vatican. I respect her
for being so understanding and have tried to do the same with my own children.
Both have gone through the Catholic board and I think
they've done quite well in learning right from wrong but more importantly
they've learned to listen to the gospel and then compare it against what they
feel inside before taking a position on something.
My son has been told that homosexuality is a sin in the eyes
of God. Yet his best friend's father is in a same sex relationship and a super
dad. When my son asked me about that my response was that no one person or
institution is all knowing and all you can do is listen and decide for
yourself. Never take what the church says as the final word and always question
what you're told. Even question what you mom and I tell you and make your
choices based on how you feel. People might not agree with you but you won't be
facing them in the mirror every morning...........
So now my question is..............I really don't have one
today but rather hope this posting has made you think a little about how you
feel about religion and your God.
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