Thursday, June 13, 2013

Randoms about Moi

November 14/11

Today's musical recommendation is Dancing in the Dark by Bruce Springsteen


So over the past week I've gotten a few messages about the whole profile and how it is kind of devoid of information about yours truely so I thought I'd toss out a few tidbits :)

I'm a righty that tends to think like a lefty
Nothing makes me smile quicker than thinking about my kids - doesn't really make me unique
I can get lost for hours on end at either Chapter's or Ikea
I love golf but can't say I'm really all that good at it. My best round ever is a 90 but I keep trying :)
I've been to St. Lucia and would love to go back or try another cool island
I had tears at the end of Toy Story 3 and my son found that amusing
I had my first silver hair at 16 and a receding hairline for years....neither has ever bothered me :)
I've done the whole long distance relationship is was what brought me to Ottawa
I'm confident in my work life, as a parent, and coaching my kids in soccer, but a bundle of nerves when it comes to meeting women and dating lol
I don't have any shirtless pictures and can't understand the mind set of those who post them
I randomly pay it forward and enjoy how it makes me feel

I'm just an average guy doing his best to provide for his kids and hopefully meet someone who can appreciate me for me......

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