November 16/13
Today's musical recommendation -> "We will Still
Need A Song" by Hawksley Workman
Ok, I've had a few comments about all the daily music
recommendations and why so many seem to mention Indie artists. Yes, it's true I
tend to lean towards a lot of Canadian Indie artists but given how much they
kick serious azz and how proud I am of my heritage why wouldn't I?
The other day I received a very nasty message from someone
that pretty much told me that nobody gives a s&^t about what I have to say
and why don't I just do everyone a favour and go away and die a lonely death. I
have to admit the hatred behind the words really hit me hard and for a moment I
thought maybe I was wasting my time and anyone's who bothered to read my blog
and considered ending the blog........but than I thought that why should the
voice of one person be loud enough to drown out my desire to express myself. I
mean no one is forcing anyone to read the blog right? Not sure what kind of day
she was having and wonder if she'd been told "not interested" by
someone and took her anger and hurt out on me to compensate for it.....bottom
line is that words do have an impact and that was my reminder that bullying
isn't restricted to the school playground. Now onto better things :)
So here we are with the holiday's fast approaching and I've
been getting all the usual comments from friends about how it must suck to be
single or how awesome it must be to have no relationship commitments this time
of year - the amusing thing is that both married and single friends make
arguements either way.
That got me to thinking what are the benefits and costs to
being single and instead of just focusing on the holiday season I've put
together a little list of pros and cons to being single regardless of the
season. Old readers will notice I didn't use irregardless as that still isn't a
word!!! (inside joke)
So here we go......
Pros to being single:- I can sleep in as late as I want on weekends - not so much these days with the arrival of the puppy :)
I can stay up as late as I want any night the mood strikes
I don't have to consult anyone on what to make for dinner -
ok, with the exception of my son
I can indulge in my techie side and buy things without
having to explain myself
Golf whenever I want - season permitting
I don't have to negotiate which movie to see - as many chick
flicks as I like (stop laughing, it's true)
I don't have to keep a fixed schedule for doing chores :)
Never have to worry if it is the right time to drop the
"L" word......guys worry about this far more than we let on
I never have to sit through a holiday at my in-laws
I get all the blankets to myself
I never have to hear "you're not really wearing that
out tonight are you?"
I never have to answer the question "Do these pants
make my butt look big?" If you feel the need to ask then you already know
the answer and why punish me?
- No guilt about making eye contact with an attractive woman across the aisle at Loblaws - Hey, it's happened
Nobody to snuggle with
Nobody to say to me "Come to bed, it's getting
Nobody to test recipes me on this, 12 year olds
don't care about trying new things lol
Nobody to call just to hear her voice
Nobody to send me flirty texts
Nobody to negotiate with on what movie to see - need someone
to counter balance my chick flicks
Nobody to softly cover with the blanket 2am
Nobody to suggest it might be time to update the old wardrobe.
Contrary to my current view golf shirts don't constitute a wardrobe
Nobody to do chores and errands with
Nobody to smile at me from across the room with that look
that just says it all without saying a word
- Nobody to tell me she loves me.
Hopefully you'll see the humour in both my lists but the
fact is that for me the cons far outweigh the pros and I'd gladly ditch them
for someone to call my own.
As much as my married male friends like to joke around on
how I've got it made being single the real truth is that they've got the life I
want for myself......someone to share things with, to be intimate with, to make
plans with, to take trips with, to just be with........
As always comments and opinions are welcome but I'll keep
following the path less travelled in my own journey :)
Great post!
ReplyDeleteThanks for writing this article! But, being honest with you, at any given time, my choice would be the exciting, the scary, the spectacular, the unpredictable roller coaster ride we call MARRIAGE :) If you are a person who gets irritated even over little things and requires too much of personal space - please, be single.
ReplyDeleteHi Amanda, not sure if that last sentence was directed towards me or the readers of the blog but I did want to point out my own position is to prefer being part of something with someone special, as I mentioned in the 2nd to last paragraph...for me single is nice but together is better :)
DeleteIn the past few decades, online dating has become a popular way to connect with potential partners within the walls of your home. Today, millennials of people love online dating to meet and find their companions. Through online dating, they enjoy chatting, dating, and meeting new people all over the world.
ReplyDeletePros And Cons of Online Dating