Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thirty Reasosn to Date Me

Today's musical recommendation -> "Not Over You" by Gavin DeGraw

When you're interested, you do what's convenient. When you're committed, you do whatever it takes!

December 1/11 - Top 30 Reasons to Date Me

Here are 30 reasons why you should go out with me. I'm not serious, don't worry...but they are all true...I think

  1. My shoelaces are hardly ever untied
  2. When getting off an elevator at a 10+ story building, I don't push all the buttons so everyone has to stop at every floor
  3. I read National Geographic, and not just for the nude pictures of African gorillas
  4. I don't turn into a werewolf during full moons
  6. I found Waldo
  7. I don't wear female undergarments, except for that one year at Halloween ;>
  8. I did not mastermind Julius Caeser's death; that was Cassius
  9. I had no trouble committing my phone number to memory
  10. I have never broken into a bear's home and eaten all his porridge
  11. I hardly ever repeat myself
  12. I have never pulled the football away from Charlie Brown
  13. I very rarely tie cans to a cat's tail
  14. I would give up my appendix for the right woman
  15. I'm great with kids; even better with roast beef
  16. I'm never wrong. I thought I was wrong once but that was a mistake
  17. At a touch of a button, I can have a pizza delivered to me personally in under 30 minutes
  18. Come on, I'm not *that* much of an eyesore!
  19. I'm a good listener
  20. I always remember to use pixie dust when attempting to jump out of a window and fly
  21. I believe the rabbit should be given some Trix
  22. You've probably heard every line in the book... So, what's one more?
  23. I "Just Say No" to drugs
  24. I practice random kindness
  25. Occasionally, I have been known to have a clue
  26. We are of opposite genders in the same species
  27. I make my bed at least 50% of the time
  28. You are falling madly in lust with me, you just haven't realized it yet
  29. I hardly ever repeat myself
  30. Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp are already in relationships

Give me 30 reasons why you shouldn't go out with me

Btw.....Top 10 lists are for wussies...takes a real man to come up with a Top Thirty!!

1 comment:

  1. I adore letters...and I am so happy I have found your lines, I have found your is amazing the way you write, I can feel your emotions through these lines. There is only one reason I shouldn't go out with you: We are so far away! Thanks for being a real man, and thanks for sharing your thoughts in this way. Keep posting! If I keep reading you I am sure I'll become your number one fan.
