Today's musical recommendation -> "I'm Ready"
by Bryan Adams
November 27/11
Something to do we handle the holidays and
So here we are on a dating website and should fate be kind
to us, we'll come across a profile and both parties will sit back and go
"Yes, they look nice, we have some common interests, and they can actually
communicate with complete sentences that don't contain a multitude of spelling
and grammatical errors"
We begin to exchange some emails, progress to some texting
and phone calls, and if things work out as we all hope we agree to a time and
place to meet for that crucial chemistry test.
Now assuming, and I do know the saying about assuming so no
need to remind me ok, the chemistry works out and you begin to see one another
the rest is history at any other point in time and subject to the normal
pressures of the space and time continuum......but here is the this
moment we are fast approaching the holiday's and that brings its own special
pressures to a new relationship...........
What do you do about gifts? How long do you need to be
dating before you should exchange gifts? If you do decide to exchange gifts,
should there be some monetary limit?
How does one even broach the subject of Christmas gifts when the relationship is still in its infancy without seeming to be caught up in the whole gift giving/receiving thing?
What about the issue of time spent together over the
holidays? Many of us have children whom we share custody of with our ex's and
thus might have Christmas Eve open or Christmas afternoon to spend with that
new special person.......
I pose these questions as I went through these exact same
things last year when I started to see someone towards the end of November and
through the holidays.
Now we were very upfront that we wanted to exchange a gift
but something small as we both acknowledged the fact that we were still getting
to know one another.......I'll admit to being relieved when she brought up the
subject on her own as I was really worried I'd do the wrong thing...I knew I
was going to get her something but didn't want her thinking I expected anything
in return.
Things were going well until the week of Christmas came
along and she dropped a bombshell on me. She was going home for the holidays
and home was in Shawinigan so that kind of left me feeling bummed out that we'd
be going a week without seeing one another when she asked me if I'd like to
come and spend Christmas Eve at her family’s place......she knew that I didn't
have my kids until after lunch on Christmas day and felt the same way I did
about not seeing one another for a week.....the problem was that this was going
to be my introduction to her family.....and nothing says pressure like meeting
parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, nephews and nieces, cousins for the first
time at Christmas........She actually had it all planned out that I'd take Via
Rail to Montreal and she'd pick me up there and on Christmas morning we'd head
back to Ottawa so I could be here for my kids.........
Needless to say I completely panicked and blew to
be fair to myself I doubt many of you would have reacted any other
way.....meeting her family was a big deal to me and doing so at such a time was
way too much....that and she hadn't met my kids yet and there was no way I was
doing that on Christmas day....
I worried about the weather and the possibility of a storm
coming through and making it hard to get back in time and used it as an excuse
to decline the invitation........I think she understood but I also think it was
one of those things that partially made the relationship run its course much
sooner than I would have liked.
So being on here at this time of year does have its
potential pitfalls.......
So I'm would you approach the holiday's if
you just started seeing someone?
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