Thursday, June 13, 2013

What I learned from Charlie Brown

Today's musical recommendation -> "What's Left of Me" by Nick Lachey

What can I say; my iPod has a lot to choose from :)

December 7/11 - The Peanuts still rock!!

I grew up reading Dr. Seuss and Charles M. Schulz and have to say that no other authors had a greater influence on me than these two gentlemen.

"Wacky Wednesday", "Cat in the Hat", and "Green Eggs & Ham" were my favourite Dr. Seuss books and luckily for me both my kids enjoyed them. They show one that being willing to think outside the box can lead to some pretty exciting times and should be a life lesson for every person who read them.

The entire cast from Charlie Brown can teach us about life and the trial and tribulations we'll all face over the course of our lives when it comes to dating and love.....

Sally Brown's unrequited love for Linus should be a lesson in perseverance for all of us.....might not end as she'd like but you've got to admire her for standing her ground and going after who she wanted :)

Lucy Van Pelt’s determination to win over Schroeder and not giving a damn that he never really responds to her attempts has to be something to bet on..........someday he'll look up from the keyboard and see the woman in front of him but until that time we can only sit back and enjoy the fireworks

Now how about the dynamics between our hero Charlie Brown and Lucy. What is really going on between them that he constantly trusts her to hold that football while he tries to kick it? What has he done behind the scenes to warrant her pulling it away at the last moment every single time?

I think the whole thing is very much like dating.......we keep trusting that the very next person we come across who makes us smile might just be the one.....we initiate something with a flirty message, or possibly a lame one if I'm the one sending it lol, and escalate to chatting via email/texts, and finally if everything works out like we hope, we do the impossible and meet for a drink.........and then the crap shoot starts as that is the point where chemistry either kicks in and releases pheromones that cause us to like the other person or not and we than strive like crazy to extricate ourselves from the situation.......

But even though we might fail over and over we always keep an open mind to the possibility......much like Charlie Brown trusts Lucy to hold the football for him......

I guess in many ways I'm like Charlie Brown when it comes to dating......I've had more than my share of footballs yanked away at the last moment but still prefer to see the opportunities than give up......I mean isn't the glass really half full more than half empty????

Now what blog about Charlie Brown would be complete if there wasn't some mention of the primary hero...Snoopy

Snoopy shows us that when we don't limit our imagination we can achieve else can you explain the brave fighter pilot who scurries through the French countryside after being shot down by the Red Baron yet taking the time to stop at a quant bistro for some wine and to chat up the cute waitress - confidence abounds in that beagle.....


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