Thursday, June 13, 2013

Men & Dating Profiles

November 18/13
Today's musical recommendation -> "Sour Candy" by Carly Rae Jepsen with Josh Ramsey from Marianas Trench

Ok, I've had a few comments about all the daily music recommendations and why so many seem to mention Indie artists. Yes, it's true I tend to lean towards a lot of Canadian Indie artists but given how much they kick serious azz and how proud I am of my heritage why wouldn't I?

So being a guy I think I'm highly qualified to talk about what we, guys that is, are doing on POF.

Ok, now that you've all stopped laughing, picked yourselves up off the floor, and returned to your seats let me try that again.......

Right off the bat I'm willing to concede that there is a certain percentage of male users who are here looking to get lucky. For those who still wear virginal white and may not know what I mean by lucky let me be frank, but never shirley, and say they are looking to get laid!  What this percentage might really be is up for debate. Me, I tend to think it is in the mid 70's but might be low-balling pun intended.

So if my math holds true that means that around 25% of guys on this site are actually looking to meet someone and see what might happen. Not great numbers from the female perspective as I tend to think the percentage of women looking to get lucky is directly inverse to the percentage for men, so around 25% of women are looking for sex and 75% are looking for something more lasting and real than a night or two of sheet ripping carnal pleasure......ok, nothing wrong with that but it can get expensive replacing the sheets all the time :)

Let me stop here and backtrack for a moment to say this......we are all looking for sex and hope to meet someone who can knock our undies off.....the difference is that some of us would like that to happen on a regular basis with the same partner and not on a regular basis with a different partner each time.....get my drift ladies? Thought so :)

Ok, back to the gist of today's blog...........What this means is that there are 25 men out of every 100 on here who are trying their hardest to make themselves stand out in the right way. By this I mean they aren't posing in shorts and sunglasses, don't have themselves standing next to a car/boat/motorcycle/snowmobile, or are sitting at a bar with that bad boy look about them.

So what kind of guy makes up the 25%?

Not entirely sure about this as I'm sure many of them own a car, a boat, a motorcycle, snowmobile, and may have been out for drinks lately........I'm also quite confident they are up-to-date on current affairs, believe that family comes first, have careers that make them happy and able to provide a good home for said family and self, might be somewhat athletic, possibly kind of geeky in a techie kind of way, might enjoy a steak grilled to perfection, and possibly even remembers to put the seat and lid down on the loo......

He might not have smooth pickup lines or even know when he is being flirted with......previous posts have discussed just how inept I've been at recognizing when a women has been flirting with me so I'm sure I'm not the only guy like that......maybe he hasn't responded to a message you sent or responded in such a way that leads you to think he isn't interested......odds might be he didn't even know you were showing interest....and I say this from personal if in doubt send another message and be more direct.......guys like being chased almost as much as women do....any guy who denies this is full of crap!!!

Adding a guy as a favourite and hoping he'll take the hint to send you a message is the cowards way out and I know from my own experience that most times I'm added it is because of the blog and not due to some romantic for the most part I don't bother sending any messages to people who've added me nor do I really even check that feature out. Same hold true for the whole viewed me - interested in meeting sub feature. If you are interested than make the effort and let the guy might like the result :)

So the next time you send a message and think he might not be interested give it another shot.....or if you get a message that isn't as deep as you'd like cut the gut some is just as hard to strike up a conversation using POF as it is in real life.....and how many of you would just walk up to a perfect stranger with drop dead looks and start chatting him up?  Exactly!!!

There are so many people out there looking for love, oh yes I did use the L word, that it may take some time and effort to find the right one but trust me the rewards are well worth it. Especially this time of year when the weather is perfect for some serious spooning!!! And no I didn't mean in that way, though there isn't anything wrong with that either :)

As always comments and opinions are welcome but I'll keep following the path less travelled in my own journey :)

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