Today's musical recommendation ->
"The Things You Said" by Depeche Mode
Does Size Matter?
We are always hearing that size doesn't matter to women but like most guys I find this really hard to believe and think they tell us that to assuge the hit to our ego when it doesn't measure up.
I think size does play a major role in things but don't know how major a role and this has me wondering as I'm looking to make a change and would like to factor this into anything I end up doing......
Now by size we are talking length and width......I think both are key criteria don't you?
Now I'm sure some of you are wondering just what the heck brought this topic up and I'll be the first to admit I was shocked when my 12 y/o son told me on the weekend that size matters to women............
You see I drive a V6 Hyundai Tucson that is killing me at the gas pump and have been looking to change vehicles and have mentioned the Kia Sole to my son on a few occassions just to get him riled up as he totally hates them. In fact I took him and a couple of his buddies to Saunders Farm back on Oct 30th for the haunted house and spooky hay ride and mentioned the Kia Sole as we were driving and all three of them groaned and called me a loser for even considering one lol
As one of my favourite characters from The Big Bang Theory would say "Bazinga!" Thanks Sheldon :)
What did you think I was asking about? Really you thought I meant that? that case you deal with what you've got and learn to bring other skills to the table to assist, that is if you think you need any assistance :) the question still holds true but in the new context......does the size or type of a guys vehicle bring anything to bear on how you might view him?
Over the course of my life I've driven everything from a Nissan Sentra to a Dodge Caravan to Honda Civic EX Sports Coupe. Never saw myself as minivan kind of guy but really came to enjoy driving one and it took some getting used to when I switched to a Chevy Cobalt as the reduced visibility bothered me. Think that was one of the selling points when the lease was up and I ended up on the Tucson.
I know from my own experiences that I care less what you drive than where you might live in terms of neighbourhoods.
Thoughts ladies???
Side note 1 - I was asked if I take suggestions for topics and the answer is of course.......and today's topic wasn't going to be about size but as usual something happened, my son lol, that made me change things up.
Side note 2 - my son made the comment about size as we were leaving the Richmond Arena yesterday after his first 2 goal game of the season in a 4-1 win (can anyone detect the proud dad here lol) and parked right by the front door was a Kia Sole, so me being me I turned to him and said "Look there is my next car" where he just gave me that look and said "Dad, size matters to women" which point I burst out laughing, his mom burst out laughing, her boyfriend burst out laughing, his sister burst out laughing as did her boyfriend..........and I made a quick exit stage left to avoid his next question about what was so such luck as his mom sent me a text last night telling me "Your son has a question for you on Tuesday night when he is with you, bet you wish now that you hadn't told him you'd honestly answer any of his questions!!"
Sometimes life can be a cruel mistress lol
My objective with the posts is to express my feelings on a number of topics and hopefully get people to see outside the box for you never know what you might miss by focusing too much on one thing.
There is nothing wrong with living in the box as long as you realize there is a world outside that box and it just might be a pretty cool place to visit now and again.....I'm just saying
Does Size Matter?
We are always hearing that size doesn't matter to women but like most guys I find this really hard to believe and think they tell us that to assuge the hit to our ego when it doesn't measure up.
I think size does play a major role in things but don't know how major a role and this has me wondering as I'm looking to make a change and would like to factor this into anything I end up doing......
Now by size we are talking length and width......I think both are key criteria don't you?
Now I'm sure some of you are wondering just what the heck brought this topic up and I'll be the first to admit I was shocked when my 12 y/o son told me on the weekend that size matters to women............
You see I drive a V6 Hyundai Tucson that is killing me at the gas pump and have been looking to change vehicles and have mentioned the Kia Sole to my son on a few occassions just to get him riled up as he totally hates them. In fact I took him and a couple of his buddies to Saunders Farm back on Oct 30th for the haunted house and spooky hay ride and mentioned the Kia Sole as we were driving and all three of them groaned and called me a loser for even considering one lol
As one of my favourite characters from The Big Bang Theory would say "Bazinga!" Thanks Sheldon :)
What did you think I was asking about? Really you thought I meant that? that case you deal with what you've got and learn to bring other skills to the table to assist, that is if you think you need any assistance :) the question still holds true but in the new context......does the size or type of a guys vehicle bring anything to bear on how you might view him?
Over the course of my life I've driven everything from a Nissan Sentra to a Dodge Caravan to Honda Civic EX Sports Coupe. Never saw myself as minivan kind of guy but really came to enjoy driving one and it took some getting used to when I switched to a Chevy Cobalt as the reduced visibility bothered me. Think that was one of the selling points when the lease was up and I ended up on the Tucson.
I know from my own experiences that I care less what you drive than where you might live in terms of neighbourhoods.
Thoughts ladies???
Side note 1 - I was asked if I take suggestions for topics and the answer is of course.......and today's topic wasn't going to be about size but as usual something happened, my son lol, that made me change things up.
Side note 2 - my son made the comment about size as we were leaving the Richmond Arena yesterday after his first 2 goal game of the season in a 4-1 win (can anyone detect the proud dad here lol) and parked right by the front door was a Kia Sole, so me being me I turned to him and said "Look there is my next car" where he just gave me that look and said "Dad, size matters to women" which point I burst out laughing, his mom burst out laughing, her boyfriend burst out laughing, his sister burst out laughing as did her boyfriend..........and I made a quick exit stage left to avoid his next question about what was so such luck as his mom sent me a text last night telling me "Your son has a question for you on Tuesday night when he is with you, bet you wish now that you hadn't told him you'd honestly answer any of his questions!!"
Sometimes life can be a cruel mistress lol
My objective with the posts is to express my feelings on a number of topics and hopefully get people to see outside the box for you never know what you might miss by focusing too much on one thing.
There is nothing wrong with living in the box as long as you realize there is a world outside that box and it just might be a pretty cool place to visit now and again.....I'm just saying
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