Sunday, April 14/19
So Mother Nature has gone back to her split personality this weekend, with the warm and wonderful Mother Nature showing up yesterday offset by today's cold bitchy personality in the form of rain intermixed with snow.....yes, still getting some snow, the only good thing being that it's melting as soon as it hits the ground.
My son is with his mom this week so I visited my daughter and grandson yesterday morning taking Moki along for the ride and some fresh air.
Once my visit was over I dropped Moki off at home, not without getting the look from the pupper telling me I was a disappointment to her yet again, and went to run some errands.
I know a lot of my blogs mention me running errands but the truth is that I find that aspect of my life to be calming and lets me get things done that I can mark off in the win column.
Yesterday's errands included gassing up the car, stopping by Pier 1 Imports to look for a set of book ends as I'm slowly trying to redo the interior of my place, going by Golf Town to price out the cost of new grips for my entire set of clubs (irons and woods), going to Bayshore to get a birthday card for my son and Easter cards for the kids, and grabbing a late lunch or early dinner at Baton Rouge.
I ended up pushing the Bayshore part of my errands to Sunday as I know I'm going to head into the office for a bit in order to write up some procedures that will require me to log into the system and I've found that while the VPN works well it isn't quite as fast as being on site.
So all the rest of my errands were done by 3 pm when I decided it was a perfect time to stop by Baton Rouge and feed my inner carnivore with some prime rib :)
When I'm dining alone I make it a habit to sit on the bar side as they are usually showing some golf on the TVs and the lighting is good and it allows me to read on my tablet while enjoying my meal.
Yesterday was no exception, the Masters was playing and the bar side was empty so I had my pick of booths to sit in and relax.
I had my usual order complimented with a Caesar salad just to prove that I can appreciate something green in my diet :)
I enjoyed my meal and was lost in the book I was reading when I sensed a group of people walking past my booth and only looked up in time to see the last person in the group. They were seated two booths past me and from the sounds of things were a group of four females out for dinner and a movie at the Landmark Theatre.
As I was getting ready to settle up my bill I could sense quite a bit of heated whispering going on with them and didn't really pay it much attention even though I sensed it wasn't a happy conversation taking place.
Suddenly out of the blue one woman exclaimed rather loudly "Are you sure it's him?"
Now at this part I should have really turned around as I was the only male in the bar and it might have saved me from what happened next, but I didn't want to be that person and appear to be rude by looking at them....if only I'd listened to my spidey senses lol
In the back of my mind I wondered if I'd chatted with one of them before on the dating site I'm on but having only gotten a look at one of them couldn't know for sure, a little part of me wondered if one of them was among the 6 blog followers who actually know who I am but again having one seen the last one left me unable to know for sure.
Luckily for me that wasn't to be the case for very long as just as I was pulling out my credit card to let the server know I was ready to pay my bill and get going I noticed movement to my left and looked up at a rather striking brunette, who from appearances looked like she'd just swallowed the proverbial bitter pill, looking down at me with undisguised anger all over her face.
That should have been my second clue that things weren't going to go well for me.....
Before I had a chance to say anything she glared at me while saying "You are a complete fucking pig and the reason women have trust issues, I hope you grow old alone and bitter about the one who got away, not that you deserve her attention and love"
Yes, I totally agree with you that that was a well worded insult but she wasn't quite done as she then proceeded to throw the contents of her drink in my face before turning and heading back to her friends.
I think she even caught them by surprise as one exclaimed "Holy crap Beth, I didn't think you'd do that"
"Sisters before misters" was her reply
Now at this point my server came rushing over looking mortified and handed me a towel to wipe my face off, asking is if I needed the manager. I've had her several times before and over the years we've enjoyed an easy banter so I could tell she was dead serious about getting the manager for me.
I told her everything was okay and to go ahead and run my card through for my bill but to please add and bring me another drink for the woman who had just lost hers on me. She sort of hesitated a moment and I reassured her this wasn't going to be a tit-for-tat thing on my part.
As I waited for her to return I closed out my tablet and put my jacket on, making sure to not glance towards the table with she who had a bigger pair than most men I know.
The server brought me my receipt and the drink in question, holding onto it a bit when I took it from her, looking at me with more than a little worry in her eyes so I told her I enjoyed dining there and wasn't going to do anything to get myself banned, she smiled and let go of the glass of what looked to be a gin and tonic.
I turned and headed over to the booth finally making eye contact with the blond woman sitting on the outside facing my direction, the woman on the inside of her having buried her head in her hands and my new friend sitting with her back to me on the outside across from them softly talking to the one who had her head in her hands.
As I made eye contact with the blond her eyes got large and she leaned towards Beth telling her loud enough for me to hear "Beth, he's coming this way and has a drink in his hand"
I could see Beth tense up but give her credit for not looking my way.
As I stood at the end of the table I looked at each woman in turn trying to see if I recognized any of them but didn't get any sort of feeling that I'd met or chatted with any of them, other than my little interaction just now with Beth.
As they all looked at me I placed the drink in front of Beth and looked her in the eyes and said "Trust me Miss Beth, If I'd ever had the good fortune to have gone out with your friend I'd have remembered her and not done whatever you think it is I've done, please don't judge all men by the actions of one and I won't judge all women by your actions" and walked out of the restaurant and headed over to Best Buy, quite proud of myself for staying calm and in control.
I had gone about 20 paces when I heard someone calling out behind me so I turned to find the woman who buried her head in her hands approaching me with a very red face. I waited for her to close the distance and just looked at her, noticing her three friends looking out the window at us.
"I'm sorry, I really thought you were someone else and my sister tends to be really protective of me when it comes to men, especially more now given my last encounter"
I didn't have a clue what to do or say and think she mistook my silence as anger and told me she'd pay for any dry cleaning costs. I looked down at my damp San Diego State t-shirt and told her I think it would be okay with just being tossed in the wash so no harm done.
She looked at me to see if I was being sarcastic and I noticed her lip quivering like she was on the verge of crying so I did something completely out of character and opened my arms to hug her, she leaned in and I wrapped my arms around her and softly whispered "I don't know what the asshole did or said to you but he wasn't worthy of you so please don't hold this inside, some men are just idiots when it comes to women and it hurts all of us really trying to find a partner in life. Tell Beth she has points with me for being protective of her family and no hard feelings"
I let my hands drop and told her to take care and walked away, not looking back at all.
I decided to skip Best Buy and just went home and poured myself a very large whiskey, again so out of character for me, as I could feel myself getting more and more angry at this unknown guy who had done such a number on this woman. My anger wasn't because his actions led to me getting a drink in the face but more for the fact that guys like him are so fucking over those of us who are looking for love and a real partner. No wonder women categorize men as players and the earnest one's among us can't get the time of day.
I try like hell not to let my previous dating experiences influence my interactions with someone I've just met, knowing it can be hard at times but there is no basis for punishing someone for actions committed by others.
Meeting someone is hard enough these days without having to overcome things that happened before we've even met for the first time.
Not every person you meet has an agenda and I know it's hard to weed out the good from the bad but I ask that you at least try and keep an open mind when meeting someone as you just never know if they might not be the one you are so aching to meet and have in your life.......
My name is Marcus and I sort of wish I'd gone back in and talked to Beth as I liked her attitude a little bit more than I probably should have given what happened to me :)
I want to meet someone who has that kind of passion in life, oh how I want to meet her........
Questions and comments welcome at
Today's musical suggestion is "The Other Side" by Ruelle. A little bit haunting and sad but sort of matches my own mood the past few days.
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