Friday, April 19, 2019

Sometimes those sayings we grew up hearing make more sense the older we get......

Friday, April 19/19

I've come to realize those ubiquitous sayings we all grew up hearing from the adults around us actually do make sense and aren't just a bunch of words thrown together in some attempt to impress us.

Case in point........Be careful what you wish for

I've had recent posts describing how much I hated my old job, the overall organization, and pretty much the team I was part of, all for a variety of reasons that are perfectly justified, least they are in my mind and really, that's all that counts when I'm the one writing this little blog

I was bored in my old job, not really pushed to learn new skills, and made to feel like I really didn't belong there due to my age and sex...........shitty all the way but nobody ever said life has to deal you the perfect hand of cards now did they

Fast forward to the present position and it is the exact opposite in every single way.

I'm part of an organization that is the leader in a still evolving industry, member of a team that actually values the effort each member makes, and involved in so many new things there are days my head is spinning and I get home and am so intellectually exhausted all I do is grab a quick bite to eat, snuggle with Moki the wonder puppy, and fall asleep before 9 pm.

I used to complain about not having enough to do and being so bored out of my mind.

Now there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done and even the advent of the hiring a second business analyst doesn't make me think it will actually ease my burden at all and you know what.......I'm pumped!!!!

I spend far too much time in meetings, meetings I wasn't sure I should even be sitting in at first, and now things have started to come together in my mind as to what my role is with the team and organization, I'm sort of starting to see how we are approaching some incredible market opportunities and how I'm going to help us achieve our goals.....kind of heady stuff if I say so myself.

I was looking over my work calendar last week when my son was with me and he commented on just how full my days were and I laughed at the comment telling him to wait a bit as I'm sure another couple of meeting requests would be popping up in the available free time.....and sure enough almost as I finished saying that a new request from the director of sales opened up requesting I attend a meeting concerning the set up of new Moneris terminals at some stores we are bringing online in May.

My son looked at me and asked what I had to do with stores since I work in finance and I had to outline how everything flows together from purchasing to logistics to retail to payroll, how my role is to support each member of those teams making sure they understand the correct steps in the process, and ensuring the various systems were correctly talking to each other and transferring information in a timely and accurate manner.

"But you are just an analyst dad" was his response.

"Being just an analyst covers a whole world of activities and is keeping me busier than I've ever been in my career"

He smiled at me and replied "It seems to suit you as you are way more alive about things than you've been for years"

He's right in so many ways.

My health is back, my mind is right, and now I've got a position that is making me reach beyond my current skill set to develop new ones and loving every minute of it, even when I know I have that deer in the headlight look on my face lol

Life couldn't get much better......well I guess having my "one" around might make it a bit better as than I could have someone to share the rewards of being so happy with when we were together.

My name is Marcus and I'm now wondering what other sayings are going to be more true than false.

Today's musical suggestion is "Private Life" by Oingo Boingo. Such an under appreciated band from the mid 70's and one of the better groups to get introduced to the new wave and ska music scene.

Interesting fun fact......Oingo Boingo's lead singer Danny Elfman is one of the leading film and television scorers over the past 20 years. Now you can never say the blog is just a source of entertainment as it's also educational as well :)

Got a question? Want to let me know what you are thinking or feeling? send me a message at and I promise to respond either in a return email or possibly with a blog post, you just never know where this guy is concerned ;-))

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