Sunday, April 7, 2019

Comments on the Blog Entries

Sunday, April 07/19

So I've been trying to do a better job in both responding to emails sent to the blog email account at and those posted directly to an entry itself.

One thing I noticed was some of the direct comments seem to have little hidden links on key words so please don't click on them as I have no clue where they might redirect you and have no connection to these links in any way. In fact, I've been going through and deleting those I do find as that isn't how we roll in this shire. Yes, a Lord of the Rings quote!

The best bet is to just use the email address and if you want the message posted as a blog entry with my response than just let me know and I'll see what I can do but no promises, thought I think I rarely decline to respond that way so the odds are in your favour :)


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