Sunday, April 7, 2019

Justin Trudeau is Wrong!

Sunday, April 07/19

No, this isn't about the debacle that is the SNC Lavalin affair, though I should probably write a blog about it to counter some of the stories I've read on my Facebook about how it's much ado about nothing. It isn't much ado about nothing, it's all about respecting the system and separation of the executive branch from meddling with the judicial branch but that isn't what I'm talking about.

When the Liberals ran for office in 2015 they made promises to a host of groups in order to win votes and come back into power.

They've partially fulfilled some of those promises and ignored some others.

The indigenous peoples are still suffering from low employment and horrendous living conditions.

Our veterans still have to wait long time frames to get assistance, when they can even get it.

Our esteemed Prime Minister, insert sarcastic tone of voice here, recently was asked about the veterans and how underfunded the programs are that were created to help them and with a straight face he responded at a town hall by saying "They ask too much of us"......

Really? This from a silver spoon aristocrat from Montreal who has never held a real job or served in the military.

I've had the great fortune to know more than a few members of the Canadian Forces, might even have dated one or two over the years, and even had the honour of attending the Army Ball once a upon a time.

They ask not for too much, they respond to the call of duty when presented with a challenge.

They leave family and hearth to stand watch thousands of miles from home without complaint.

They make do with obsolete equipment that has other armed forces laughing at them.

They stand willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to make the world a better place and safeguard the rights we at times take so lightly. Many have left our shores for duty elsewhere and not all have come home, some of those who have returned have not done so in whole.

They ask for nothing more than was promised them Mister Prime Minister.

So the next time you offer up compensation for a  convicted terrorist think about where that blood money can better be spent on those making it possible for you to prance around in costumes while making state visits.

The next time you open our borders to refugees without doing real homework on the cost ask yourself if you've done enough for our own people before writing cheques off of our accounts.

I've always prided myself on voting for the best candidate when entering the polling station regardless of party affiliation but come this October you'll have to force my hand to vote for any Liberal candidate in my own riding as I'll be damned if I'll do a single thing to keep that trumped up little peacock in office one day longer than necessary.

Is Canada better off with the conservatives back in power? Probably not and that is the problem when you only have a choice between the right (Conservatives) and the left (Liberals) when choosing who will run the country. It's unfortunate that there is no proven middle ground party at this stage to balance the other two out but maybe we'll get lucky some day.

My name is Marcus and this is my little rant on the uselessness of Justin Trudeau as PM of Canada.

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