Sunday, April 7, 2019

One of those Sunday's for sure..........

Sunday, April 07/19

So with this being our year end at work and my role as a Business Analyst supporting the accounting team in all matters related to the new software my weekend has been all about being on call answering emails and texts about issues.

That combined with the approaching end of the university term for my son and the building stress of papers coming due and writing final exams has meant I've been keeping close to home this weekend so as to support both of these diametrically opposite demands on my time.

Having said that, I've been doing a lot of reading and YouTube watching around everything else going on.

My reading is still focused on romantic stories more than anything else, yes my man card has been cut in half and burned by a roving band of Alpha males so no comments needed from the peanut gallery please.

The YouTube watching has been more diversified of late, lots of music videos coupled with some Married at First Sight videos as well. Who knew Jamie and Doug would end up so in love with a cute little family from such a rocky start. I know I didn't see that one coming and I have to admit the optimist in me takes great delight in such an outcome.

This morning I came across a video by Omeleto about a guy who decides to try dating offline, by that he means to meet women around him in his day to day life without depending on any of the dozens of websites or apps to be found on our phone. It was kind of interesting and I applaud his efforts as more often then not he was shot down but there were a few successes as well.

The one video that made me smile wasn't romantic at all but did make me think about life and relationships. It is a short drama titled "Whispers among Wolves" and I found it quite captivating and hope you do to should you decide to take a gamble on it. I've attached the link to it below.

Whispers Among Wolves:

Seems Omeleto has quite a few short films posted that cover a number of genres, from romance to drama to comedy.

If you've got a couple of minutes to kill I highly recommend the one noted above as well as the following:

Reception - Romance Short film, made me smile and root for the ending I wanted
Proposal  - Romance Short Film, the tables get turned, at first that is

Sometimes we can gain inspiration and happiness from the most unlikely of places.......

My name is Marcus and my efforts continue to be a good father, co-worker, friend, to hit the perfect wedge from 115 yards, and to hopefully meet the one woman who is imperfectly perfect for me.

Questions and comments are always welcome at the blog email address:

Today's musical suggestion is "If You Want My Love" by Cheap Trick. Pretty much says it all where I am concerned :-)

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