Saturday, April 20/19
It's been a rather busy Saturday as I was out running errands and just cleaned up from dinner with the son.
He's back to studying for a bit as he's writing two final exams on Tuesday so I thought I'd post a quick entry extending my best wishes to everyone for a Happy Easter.
Easter is one of the two biggest religious holiday's in the Catholic church, my church of choice all negative aspects aside, so I'm usually a little more introspective on this weekend. Usually being the operative word in that last sentence as today I'm just trying to relax and let my thoughts soar free of any shackles.
Now I'm sure some of you reading this don't follow my own beliefs or possibly any at all, maybe you are an atheist or even an agnostic, don't care and not going to make any judgments on you.
We are all individuals and our own pursuit of some connection is just that, our own and private to each of us. I'm mentioned before that while I consider myself Roman Catholic that there are some tenants of the church that I refuse to follow, that's my choice and one I'll possibly have to address to a higher power should I ever be called before them.........
My only consideration when dealing with someone is are they true to themselves and do they try and do good for those they love and the community in which they reside.
Pretty basic and simple points and I don't see any need to complicate them further with restrictions as life is already complex enough given the changing scope of government and societal pressures to conform or face the consequences.
So for today let me just say this.........I love you and hope wherever you find yourself on your life journey that you can look around and have someone you can embrace when you need a hug or offer a shoulder to lean on when they need one.
Happy Easter :-)
My name is Marcus and I'm trying to be a better person than I was the day before.
Comments or questions are always welcome at
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