Friday, January 6, 2017

2017 - 1 Week Down, 51 More To Go

Friday, January 06/17

So the first week of 2017 is coming to an end and I have to say it hasn't been too bad a start to the new year.

My son was with me this week but still on the winter break so that meant lots of late nights with his buddies online and late morning sleep ins lol

We did go see "Manchester by the Sea" on Monday. Not quite what I was expecting and had me make a new vow that I've shared with both my children and ex as she might need to remind them of it at some point down the road. I  don't want to say more at this moment as the movie is still in theatres but for those of you who might have seen it you'll probably understand my reference. It revolves around where Patrick's uncle takes him after picking him up from school.

Work has once more become a mad house as we are closing the month and preparing for year end and all that entails.  The topper was getting an email from our AP person telling us he wouldn't be coming back to work as he found something in Calgary - Happy New Year to us lol

I was able to go with my son to visit my daughter and see baby Jack on Wednesday. They even made us dinner and had a strawberry cheesecake for dessert!!  My grandson was as adorable as ever and made my heart melt when he woke up as I was holding him and smiled at me as he held onto my pinkie.  I think that kid is so going to be able to work his grandpa when he gets older. Now if my daughter has another child down the road and it is a baby girl I'll be royally up the creek lol

This weekend has some soccer as my son's team resumes winter round robin play tomorrow and I'm going to do some cleaning up around the house as it is time to put away the Christmas decorations for another year.

I pretty much just came home tonight and had some leftovers and relaxed with some Netflix.

Moki has been pretty much a clingy puppy since the moment I walked through the door and I can see what my son meant when he sent me a text this morning saying she was acting kind of strange. Not sure what has gotten into her lately but she really does seem more needful of attention the past few weeks. Something I've got to keep an eye on as that might become a problem.

So I've got one blog entry under edit right now and it's about 50/50 whether it ever sees the light of day as I have to say it has to be one of the darkest postings I've ever written. Great therapy to put pen to paper but not sure that is a doorway to my inner darkness I really want to open right now.

When I originally started to write it I didn't see the fast approaching abyss and am more than a little fearful that should I actually post the entry that I might lose more than a few followers.

The hard part is that while I dread how close it might bring me to the abyss I don't actually think it would push me over the edge, still the mere idea that these thoughts even reside inside me sort of makes me feel sick to my stomach at times and glad I am alone as I don't know how anyone would ever want to be around me if they knew about it.


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