Friday, January 13, 2017

Chapters, Baby Jack, and a Smile

Friday, January 13/17

So last Sunday I went over to see my grandson, his mother and father were there as well so I sort of felt obligated to talk to them too :-)

My daughter wanted to go to Chapters and her fiancé had some studying to do so it worked out perfectly for everyone as I love me some Chapters and the icing on the cake was getting to spend some time with her and Baby Jack.

When we got to Chapters we had to hit Starbucks as she just needed her fix of some kind of drink that required using some special code in the ordering process that included words like Latte, Mocha, Grande, Petite Expresso, Macchiatto, and Doppio.  I think I got vertigo just listening to all the people placing orders that I'm convinced were randomly created at the drop of a hat.

Once she got her coffee fix taken care of we headed off to do some wandering thru the aisles of books, magazines, baby gear, and household furnishings. I remember back in the old days when Chapters was actually a bookstore and not trying to compete with Pier 1 but I digress.

The big question we had faced when we decided to go to Chapters was whether to pack Baby Jack's stroller or for me to just carry him around in his car seat as my daughter has not been cleared to carry anything other than her son just quite yet. I voted for the car seat and since I was the hired muscle that's what we went with.

So as we headed into the store my daughter said she wanted to look at some magazines and I told her that Baby Jack and I were going to check the bargain books before moving onto fiction and science fiction, that if she needed anything to come find us, and off we went.

Now to be honest, I have to say I got the better end of things as I got to walk around in one of my favourite places with one of the top 3 people in my life, I mean how could it get any better?

As I walked around I was careful not to bump my precious cargo into anyone or anything as he was sort of feeling sleepy and coming in and out of a nap. I did take the opportunity to have a conversation with my grandson but I'm finding it's rather one sided on my part as he tends to play the strong silent type and just listen to the crazy old guy carrying him around.

I told him that I could see many a Sunday with me picking him up at his mom's and going to Chapters to buy a book and than Dairy Queen for an ice cream before heading home to read that book to him as he had a nap.

I stopped every now and than to just look down at his adorable face as he slept and softly stroke his cheek or feel the texture of his light brown hair. I'll admit I felt a tear or two as I did this and did sneak in a kiss or two on his forehead.

We wandered around for about half an hour before I decided it was time to see what his mom was up to and if she wanted to grab some lunch. As I paused in the main aisle to look around to see if I could spot my daughter a woman I'd in her mid to late thirties came up and smiled at me and than smiled down at Baby Jack,

She looked back up and said she and a couple of girlfriends had been watching how I was with him and it made her smile to see how attentive I was to him. Her next words made me pause and laugh when she asked how old was my son.........

I looked down at Baby Jack and told her he was my grandson and that at 54 my daddy days were long over with. As I was telling her this I spied my daughter walking up behind her with a quizzical look upon her face and than saw her eyes pop open really wide when the woman placed her hand on my arm and told me that I didn't look that old and men much older than that had been having babies.

I was saved with the arrival of my daughter asking if Baby Jack was ok but before I could reply the woman smiled at my daughter and commented that she didn't see a ring on my finger and wondered if I was single.

Now my daughter was really getting a kick out of this and just looked at me as she answered for me by saying "my dad is completely single and ready to mingle" and both of them burst out laughing at seeing how bight red I suddenly became.

The woman smiled down at Baby Jack and told him that he has a cute grandpa and hoped she would bump into me again before congratulating my daughter on how cute her son was and than walked over to join a couple of her friends who had been waiting on her.

My daughter didn't say a word about it the whole drive home but as soon as we walked into her house and she saw Lee she burst out laughing and told him how I'd been using Baby Jack as a babe magnet.

Lee smiled and asked me how it worked as he might need to try it some time but than yelped in mock pain when she punched his arm lol

I guess I don't look like a grandpa as this isn't the first time someone has mentioned I look young to be a grandparent, which is a good thing as I plan on being around to spend as much time watching that little guy grow up.

As I was getting ready to leave I leaned down to kiss him on the cheek when I swear that his eyes opened up and he smiled at me as if to say "No worries grandpa, I've got your back" and than went right back to sleep.

Wondering if I might be able to hit Chapters this Sunday with Baby Jack in tow and see what happens...............


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