Sunday, January 1, 2017

Things Aren't Always What They Seem

Sunday, January 01/17

So I had an conversation with a friend this morning that reminded me that what we see may not mean what we think it does.

Ok, this probably needs a bit of explaining so it all makes some sense.

This morning I woke up around 8am, which is pretty early considering I went to bed around 1:30 but think it was my inner alarm getting me up in case my son called early for a pick up from his friends house.

Anyways, up early I was and after noshing down some breakfast I headed out with Moki to clear the side deck off from the accumulation of snow that built up over night.  I'm somewhat convinced that my house acts as a catch basin for all the snow on my street as I think I shovelled my side deck about 5 times yesterday as the snow just kept coming and building up all day long.

As I was clearing the walkway a friend walked by and stopped to wish me a Happy New Year as we hadn't seen one another for a little while. She actually teaches at my son's high school and was my inside source of information on what was happening with his class the first couple of years he was at his new school.

She was heading home from a party at another friends down the street that had run really late and seen more than a few people crashed out on couches due to some heavy imbibing last night lol

She laughed and said she was surprised to see me out and even more so that I had the energy to be out shovelling snow.

I didn't get what she meant and asked her about it and she pointed to the Mazda in my driveway and said it was obvious I've been having some serious company over lately as she's seen that car in my driveway quite a few times.

I looked at the car and it dawned on me what she meant, whereupon I started laughing and almost wet myself as I couldn't stop myself.

After a moment I was able to catch my breath and told her that car was my son's and not an overnight guests, though I thanked her for thinking I still had enough game to have that happen these days.

She sort of blushed and as she walked away said over her shoulder in her best Yoda voice "Of game, you have much, of confidence, it is lacking"

I smiled and got back to work on the driveway and wondered to myself just how many people had driven past my place and mistakenly thought my son's car belonged to someone else over for a visit.

Just a simple reminder that what you think you see may not be what is really happening.

Well another start to a new year and I've got some resolutions to think about. I might post them or I might just hold these close to my vest for now, they won't be any earth shattering declarations but just some things I might want to accomplish to enhance my quality of life, physically and or emotionally.

My name is Marcus and I'll be adding more posts about parenting, friending, working, and maybe even dating as the mood or events strike me.

Today's musical suggestion is "Rhonda" from The Balconies. No special reason other than I like the song, and isn't that really the best reason to recommend one :)

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