Monday, January 30, 2017

Some Statistics About The Blog

Monday, January 30/17

So I was reviewing the statistics that the website keeps on my blog and have to say I'd lost track of just how many time's I'd had a hit so here are a few tidbits to ponder.......

There were approximately 234 hits yesterday across numerous postings
Over the last month the blog has been viewed almost 2,200 times
Life to date the blog has seen 15,390 visits

The funny part was I remember trying to get my totals to 8K by the end of 2014 and a little over a year later it's almost doubled.

But one that has me scratching my head is the number of views that come from outside of Canada.....

Of the last 1,344 views, exactly 1,188 have come from the U.S. and only 127 from Canada.

Not sure to say I'm proud or worried by those numbers.

Oddly enough I had a nice conversation with a young woman at the Petro Canada last night when we were both inside paying for gas and she mentioned being from Texas, her accent sort of gave that away but I didn't have the heart to tell her that, and what mess it is down there, almost like things are going bad so fast that she actually used the phrase "civil war" when talking about things.

I hope beyond all hope that it doesn't come even close to such a thing but these are crazy times we are living through right now.

I'm neither Republican nor Democrat, though I did vote for each party when I lived in the states, nor am I more Conservative than Liberal, though once again I've crossed party lines and voted my conscience more often than not.

No, I've tended to vote for the person I felt could do the best regardless of political affiliation.

Sadly, the last few elections haven't really brought forth any candidate from any party that I felt was worthy of my vote and I ended up choosing the one I felt could do the least amount of damage.

Pretty sure that wasn't what the founding fathers had in mind back in 1776 or the giants of confederation back in 1867.

We now live in a world where your opinion only matters if it is in agreement with the vocal minority and is trashed if it goes against what they are putting forward as this weeks agenda.

I read an interesting story today about an idea being floated around that California, Oregon, and Washington should all consider exiting the U.S. and becoming part of Canada. Now the liberals will embrace this as those are three far left leaning states but I'm willing to bet even money that the conservatives in British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan will want no part of this plan.

How about those people feeling some kind of anguish over the election stay down there and try and work from within to fix what is a most assuredly a broken system before deciding to run away up north and possibly ruin our way of life.

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