Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Trump - I'm Neither for Nor Against Him (Updated)

Wednesday, January 11/17

I have to admit there is a sort of sick pleasure one can take from listening to all the ranting and whining going on down in the states right now as the day for Trumps inauguration approaches.

I've always found it amusing how celebrities feel it is their place to tell everyone around them how they know better than anyone else and how stupid every person is who doesn't follow their agenda.

The most recent example of this is Meryl Streep and her decision to sound off on the impending decline in western society once the Donald takes office during her acceptance speech for winning a Cecil B DeMille lifetime achievement award at the Golden Globes.

Now I'll be the first to admit that I didn't bother watching the awards show as I tend to avoid things that destroy my brain synapse let alone actual brain cells by subjecting myself to the red carpet, who wore what, who came with who, who left with who, and who said what. I'd rather have a root canal without any pain blockers than do that ever!

According to audio clips of Mrs. Streep we can now expect nothing more to view than football and mixed martial arts from this point forward as the real arts, her words, will now stagnate until such time as the rest of America sees things the way of Hollywood and puts another democrat in the White House.

Couple this with Bill Clinton's recent speech where he said the only reason Trump won the election was because uneducated white males turned out to vote in record numbers and that cost his wife her chance to sit in the chair he once occupied. Hopefully, had she gotten that chance she would have put that same chair to better use than her husband did during his time in the Oval Office. Right Monica?

What these two fail to realize, or maybe just don't want to admit to themselves, is that while Hilary may have won the popular vote that the final winner is the person who wins the most electoral college candidates and those went to Trump, who managed to carry the large vote states and secure the election.

I'm not saying the system is perfect but until such time as it is changed for something better than people need to accept the results that more voters in key swing states that carried big electoral college numbers voted for Trump over Clinton. Now whether these voters were uneducated white males, Ivy League preppies, or some other such key voting block is really irrelevant in the end as the voters voted and you reap what you sow.

I seem to remember there being a similar ruckus being raised when Reagan won and the same was true when Obama came into office. Correct me if I'm wrong but neither of those two events sparked the apocalypse right?

Is Trump a loose cannon? Absolutely, without a doubt in the world. But here's the thing folks, that job tends to overwhelm the person in office and they almost always take a step back and reevaluate the program they want to implement as they see what it really means to be President.

Not saying the Donald is going to be one of the greatest to ever hold the office nor am I saying he'll fall flat on his face, but I will say he won't end up being the worst the U.S. has ever had.

I'm going to sit back and enjoy the sideshow that will become Washington and hope they don't figure out how to muzzle his twitter account as he's usually worth a laugh or two a week, and that humour will serve us well the crazy days to come.

Just remember Meryl & live in a land where you can stand up and rail against the President all you want but never forget that you are only speaking for yourselves and not the rest of the country....they did that for themselves when they went into those booths and cast ballots back in November. You may not like the results but you've got four years to try and figure out a new approach to show the rest of us a better alternative.


Update Jan 12/17
Since this entry posted I've received numerous messages asking how I could possibly be all for having a womanizer in the White House.

I'm guessing those individuals didn't bother to really read the blog title or the actual wordy part of the blog since they are accusing me of being in support of the Donald.

I guess you could say I am a supporter.......a supporter of wacky tweets and rambling press conferences filled with outrageous claims......which is what the Donald will be good for over the next four years.

One person even wrote to say he won't make it to the end of the first year of his term before he gets impeached!!!

Really, that's what you think?  Bill Clinton had sex in the Oval Office with an intern and even he couldn't get impeached so what in the hell makes you think Congress would even consider let alone act upon anything to try and impeach a president whose only real crime is being a bit of a blowhard.

Nope, like I said before, not for or against the man. Just sitting back and watching the show as it unfolds before my very eyes :)

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