Monday, January 2, 2017

One Resoluition I'll Be Following & Challenge The Readers To Follow As Well

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Funny how we need to watch the year in our dating for the next little while as I originally dated today's entry as January 2nd, 2016 before catching the mistake 😄

So last night I got to thinking about resolutions and decided to come up with a series of monthly resolutions and use them to challenge myself and my son in my ongoing efforts to teach him about life, what it means to continually review what is happening around us, and be in a position where one is better off than others and the social contract that should exist internally to help others when we can.

January's challenge is a relatively easy one and a warm up to some of those I'll be proposing towards the end of the year.

Perform a random act of kindness.

It can be anything from paying for the order for the car behind you at the drive thru, topping up the payment someone is trying to make at the store when they find themselves a bit short, returning the shopping cart to the carousel for someone with kids, shovel the driveway for a neighbour, spend the day at a food bank helping to organize the dry goods, or really any simple act that may make a persons life just a bit more bearable for some moment.

I've done all of those things in the last year, well except for the Food Bank but will be doing that this month.

The key is to do something without expecting any kind of recognition for your act. I like to call this being a good human.

My son has completed his required 40 hours of volunteer work needed to graduate high school in Ontario but I think it sad that this is limited to meeting a high school graduation requirement and hope this reminds him that his time is one of the greatest gifts he can give to his community.

I would love to hear from the readers the RAK's they performed and how they ended up feeling.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if each person undertook to doing this once a month or even maybe once a day...............makes me smile just thinking about it


Today's musical suggestion is "Faith" by George Michael' of my favourite songs and we'll miss George and his infectious smile and music

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