Saturday, January 28, 2017

Netflix's Riverdale........triggered a little trip down memory lane

Saturday, January 28/17

So I stumbled across the new Netflix series titled Riverdale and clicked on the preview only to find out it is an updated version of the old Archie comic books brought to life.

The trailer was good and I proceeded to watch the initial episode in the series.

Oh My God!!!!!!!

It completely blew my mind as they've managed to bring the comic book series into the here and now, while retaining the basic traits of each of the original characters.

Without giving too much away, let me just say it is a comedy that appears to have spent one very drunken night of debauchery with a possible murder mystery.

But the best part is that it brought back to mind some damn good memories from my childhood.

When I was but a wee lad I'd spend my summers in Regina visiting with my grandfather and hanging out with my cousins David and Ronnie. Being a year and a half and eight months older than me they were the closest cousins I had age wise, and many was the time we got into trouble out at Long Lake.

Every Saturday we'd walk down from the cottage to the village to go to Butlers Fish & Chips for lunch before hitting the convenience store a bottle of Coke and a comic book. My cousins were into all of the super heroes and I was totally into Archie and the gang. Secretly in love with Veronica and knowing somehow even at that young age that Betty would be the better choice......lady out and about but probably a freak behind closed doors.  Don't ask me how I knew that and I won't be forced to admit about my dark side..........

Mixed between those summers and the weekends we'd visit my grandparents in Huntington Beach and sneaking over to my Aunt's place and spreading all of my cousin Rudy's Charlie Brown comic books out across the floor and getting lost for hours were probably some of my best memories around my youth.

Life has a way of making you grow up and any chance I can get to stop for a moment and relive a nice childhood memory is pure icing on the cake.

What triggers that smile and lost moment in you?

My son came down to the man cave to see the last few moments of the show and smiled at me when I told him that was the one comic I loved to read. "A little nostalgia is good for the soul" was his reply and as usual, he was far more on point that he knows.

My name is Marcus and it's okay to visit the memory treasure vault now and again as long as you take a return ticket and make sure not to miss that flight home.

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