Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A Co-Workers Comment

Tuesday, February 09/16

Today's musical offering is Swooner by The Zolas.  Found this one on Spotify and several more that will be mentioned in future posts. Lead singer sort of reminds me of Rivers Cuomo from Weezer, least he does from a vocals point of view.

So the past week or so has been a bit stressful at work what with the announcement of the sale and then my boss giving her notice as well. To say it shook up our group would be an understatement of the highest proportions.  We were all given packages to review, sign, and return by the 10th but as of this morning nobody had done so as there is a clause in it that made each and every one of us a bit nervous and seemed to go against the spirit of the opening clauses. M, one of my co-workers, has sent about 6 emails to the HR contact at the new company and I know both our boss and contracts manager have also sent some asking that this particular clause be revised or removed or they ran the risk of having nobody return them, not really what they want or need at this point in the process.

I've been just plugging along as even though it does kind of suck I like to think of myself as a stand up person and I'm being paid to do my job so do it I will till my last day. Along those lines I've tried to remain upbeat and offer some comic relief where possible to those around me. Ok, honestly I'm just acting like myself and not really doing anything different today than I did 2 months ago.

As I was walking down the hallway J from my group stopped me and said she was really impressed with how well I was dealing with everything going on, I asked what she meant and she mentioned how quiet it is in our area as people contemplate things. I smiled at her and said that even though it isn't the ideal situation it could surely be worse so I choose to make the most of a bad scene.

S who works as our administrative resource sort of snorted and asked what could be worse than losing your job.

I smiled at her and replied "Being in CHEO with your 10 year old son @ 4am and being told he'll die without having brain surgery that only has a 50/50 chance of saving him and that very surgery could also kill him"

They both looked at me in wonderment and finally S asked "WTF are you talking about?"

I said that I was in that spot just 6 years ago and since than I do my utmost to just live life and take advantage of having those I love around me, the rest is just noise as far as I'm concerned.

J reached out and touched my arm and told me she was sorry to hear about it, I smiled at them and said there are a lot worse things to deal with than a lost job, sure it does suck to be looking for a new job but we're all around for a minimum of 6 months from close and have been offered some pretty good packages, far in excess of what they are required to offer us under the law, and that I'm going to do my best to keep being the same person that I was on day one of this job and let the rest fall into place as it will.

The rest of the day came and went and just before quitting time we started to receive emails with revised offers that not only removed the clause in question but even increased the retention bonus being offered to remain the full six months.

My son sent me a text saying he wanted to come to my place tonight for dinner and to sleep over as he was missing me so I'm going to notch that one up to karma rewarding me for just trying my best to remain even keeled.

On my way home I thought about the whole situation with C and realized I've let what happened cloud my thoughts and memories towards her and dating in general. Note much I can do about the past unless I want to keep reliving it and I don't want to do that. I'll revisit some of those memories as moments come back to me over the next couple of months but one thing I don't want do is continue to pine away. I had my chance and I made some mistakes that cost me a wonderful woman. I can pout about it or I can remember the good and move forward in the hope I can create something similar down the road. Sounds easier said than done but I'm game and if my experience at the movies on Monday night is any indication of things to come than I'm going to be ok.

My name is Marcus and this blog details my efforts to be a good father, friend, find a new job, master the 8 iron from 135+ yards, date, and just maybe meet the love of my life and secure my last first kiss.....

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