Saturday, February 13/16
So here we are with a long weekend and Mother Nature has decided once more to rear her ugly head and remind everyone what a fickle bitch she can be by bringing down a frozen apocalypse on our collective asses!
So it's my dad weekend which means I had the pleasure of taking my son to his 7am soccer game this morning which isn't usually an issue except this morning where I thought I was going to lose toes and fingers watching the game as the dome was so damn cold that not even burning the fan bench as an option......why wasn't it an option you ask, well mostly because it was frozen solid and even if I could have lit the damn thing for some warmth it still wasn't going to happen as I had no feeling in my fingers!!!! And before you ask, yes I was wearing gloves but obviously I missed the memo saying you needed clothes designed for arctic winter conditions, sweet dill pickles in a Tabasco sauce but it was cold this morning.
It is days like this that make me question my sanity for ever having moved from sunny Southern California to this western version of Siberia.
But than I watch my son play a game he loves with so much passion, see him move the ball from the back line and find an open striker, make a sweeping cross on the fly to a streaking teammate for a volley shot on net and I'm given all the reminders I need of why making that move was the best thing to ever happen to me.
So now the rest of my Saturday will be spent trying to regain feeling in my extremities before I have to venture back out for my noon training session with Connor and groceries once that cycle of torture has been completed.
I'm seeing an afternoon of Netflix in my future and Sunday is followed up with some more soccer for the lad with his training and than it sounds like I'll be chauffeuring and him and the girlfriend down to the Byward Market later in the afternoon for some Valentines Day fun.
My Valentines will probably be some popcorn and "Love Actually" Yes, possibly not the best choice for a die hard romantic like myself but I do love the movie and while it is Hollywood at it's worst in offering up false hope for all of us lonely singles, its still damn good movie and I love the music that is played throughout the movie. Really, does anyone pull it off better than Hugh Grant dancing around 10 Downing Street after letting the US president have it with both barrels? I think not :)
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