Wednesday, February 03/16
Yesterday the radio was full of doom and gloom about the oncoming winter storm that was to hit Ottawa overnight with upwards of 10 cm of snow, freezing rain in the early morning, and ending with straight rain throughout the remainder of the day. My boss actually sent an email around saying she'd be working from home as she lives in the east end.
Now we've had a pretty mild winter to date, so mild that a lot of snow has melted around my place and they've had to reduce the times they have been able to open the Rideau Canal for skating which is wrecking havoc on Winterlude, all that being said it makes sense that Mother Nature throws one our if only just to remind us she's in charge.
People were sending out messages about working from home to avoid the mess that will be the roads and my own son was hoping for a snow day as they haven't had one yet this school year and we usually get about 3.......nothing like a day off from school the second day of the new semester ;-)
So today I got up at 5am to head over to Movati and my Wednesday session with Connor the Sadist and it had snowed but not even close to 10 Cm's. I went out to warm the car up and there was slight coating of ice but nothing that the heater couldn't handle so that when I came back out 10 mins later to leave the car was good to go. Roads weren't too bad and the area in front of the club appeared to have some salt and gravel down so walking wasn't an issue.
Connor told me he'd already had his 6:30 thru 8:00 sessions cancelled so he was happy to see me and I was the beneficiary of some extra time....oh lucky me............the had maybe 5 people working out and the fitness room was ours alone to use. Connor put me through my paces and if that was him being happy to see me than I'd hate to see him doing so when mad at me.........I think I had to fight off puking a few times as there was no let up between activities. The man could easily have been a drill instructor for the USMC when they could really work the crap out of recruits and not have to be worried about hurting any one's little feelings.
I staggered out of the fitness room an hour later and my legs would only give me 20 minutes on the treadmill before sending me messages that paralysis was imminent so I called it a day and headed down to the lockers to change and head home.
Now at this point I didn't know if the school board had called a snow day and cancelled buses but one check of my iPhone showed me messages from both my son and his mom saying no buses and no school today. I could only imagine the smile on my son's face as he crawled back into bed lol
As I went outside to my car I noticed a couple of things. First, that the freezing rain had come hard while I was in the gym and literally everything was coated in ice. Second, walking was treacherous and actually almost feel 2 times on the way to my car.
The 4 minute drive home wasn't any better as I saw a car in the ditch by the Bell Sensplex, and two others spin out after losing traction, one that almost hit me as I went by. Thank goodness I bit the bullet this year and got some winter tires on the car.
That drive home made the decision for me to work from home so I logged onto my PC when I got inside only to see almost everyone else had reached the same decision.
So now here I sit in shorts and t-shirt with the house nice and toasty, the son still sleeping the morning away, and Moki curled up in a ball in the recliner in my office keeping an eye on me lest I somehow sneak away and not show her the proper amount of attention.
Funny how my son's snow day is now my snow day as well and the more I think about it the more I want one or two for myself going forward ;-)
Hope today's entry finds everyone safe and sound, if you need to go out today in the Ottawa and Valley areas please drive safe and be careful!!!
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