Tuesday, February 2, 2016

R E S U L T S ! ! ! !

Tuesday, February 02/16

So as many of my recent posts have been about my efforts to improve my quality of life through increased exercise and diet modification I thought I'd pass along some results.

Now many people who do what I'm attempting try and measure results in a very finite manner and by this I mean they measure every single meal they eat, the number of calories burned through exercise, and weigh themselves each morning to determine the success so far.

I'm not following that methodology and instead relying on what my body tells me over the course of the process.

My legs feel great, much stronger now, and I think are looking pretty fine as well.  My upper body has developed some definition and my muscles feel like they really exist. One great thing is that I don't feel winded when going up stairs anymore.

But here is the best result I've seen so far.....my jeans were getting a tad bit loose and I had to go out and buy a new pair a size smaller :-)

Now I'm far from my goal but so far it's working, both physically and mentally as I feel better across the board.

I mentioned to my son that the sessions I arranged with Connor are coming down to the final six and he encouraged me to extend them as he says I'm looking happier and more energetic than I have in a long time.

Guess I know where part of my 2015 bonus is going now :-)

It hasn't been easy but then nothing that is worthwhile is ever really easy now is it?

I'll be back at the gym tonight as I need to feel the burn before Connor makes his latest attempt to make me cry tomorrow morning.........

My name is Marcus and these are my ongoing adventures as a father, friend, golfer, and possibly boyfriend when the time is right.

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