Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Couple of Thoughts....

Thursday, February 11/16

So I've been a bit inconsistent with making entries to this little experiment I call "Observations of a Single Man" or my life blog and thought maybe I should shed some light on things.

The dearth of posts isn't because I'm depressed and curled up in the fetal position, it's not because I've suddenly developed a drinking problem and can't navigate the keyboard, it's not because I've met someone and am spending all my free time chasing her around, and it's not because I don't have anything to say as trust me, I have a lot to say.

No, it's mostly because for a while there it felt like I was either trapped in a loop where every entry was about how much I missed C and my stupidity for losing her or I was sort of posting about anything and everything. Neither of these are good and hence the reason I've sort of stepped back to reflect on my objectives.

When I started this process it was to share my attempts at being a single parent - the single most terrifying thing you can do and yet at the same time you are stressing out on whether you're doing a good job at it, flooded with anxiety, you can be shown how amazing you've done while watching your child hold open a door for someone or return the shopping cart for them in the parking lot at Loblaw's. I wanted to document being a parent, working, making new friends, venturing out into the dating world, and possibly meeting who I like to call the One.

I've had some pretty good posts and some I'd like to delete as I think they were sort of puff pieces but I don't do that as one persons puff is another persons Pulitzer. Not that I will ever confuse this blog with Pulitzer winning material. I might have a decent size ego but even I draw the line at certain things folks.

So while the posts have slowed down they aren't coming to an end. My hope is to put more thought into what I do post and less into the amount of posts I put up on the blog site. The old saying "Quality beats quantity every time" will be the new mission statement of this blog.

So please feel free to continue following the blog if it makes you smile, laugh, cry, or even ask yourself a question or two in response to one of the posts. If you chose to stop reading the blog than I won't say it's your loss as maybe it isn't a loss, maybe that few moments spent reading it can be better spent with your children going over homework, spent with your partner talking about things, or even spent with your pet basking in it's love for you. Here is a secret, I was doing that earlier tonight while catching up on some Walking Dead episodes with Moki. It always amazes me how that puppy can read my mood and know when it's the right time to play or snuggle.

Hope this serves to calm some nerves and rest assured folks, when I do decide to end the blog I'll give you fair warning and not just cut you off cold turkey - that's just wrong and this man doesn't play that way :)


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