Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day

Sunday, February 14/16

I debated writing an entry today given the day.

No, not because I'm single and bitter about it.

No, because I find a mandated day to celebrate the love you have for your partner to be a bit extreme in my mind.  Why can't you do that every day?  What is to keep you from telling them how much they mean to you at any time?

I know it can be done as I've done it before. Truth be told I hope to do it again someday in the future.

It really is the one day that was created for commercial reasons and the sad fact is that it creates a lot of pressure on people to do "the right thing" when they shouldn't be made to feel obligated into doing anything.

One side expects flowers, candy, gifts, dinner, and the other side expects to see lingerie and have sex. The other name for the day is National Sex Day.......go figure

It's kind of funny that as a society we accept this behavior being forced on us where in any other time if we saw something being done like this we'd be up in arms, raising holy hell, and questioning it

Why is it acceptable?

It normally doesn't bother me enough to comment on but now my 16 y/o son has been caught up in the madness and I think that is pretty bad and sets up unrealistic expectations going forward.

Whenever I am fortunate enough to be with someone I'll just treat every day as an opportunity to let her know how much she means to me, how lucky I consider myself for being with her, and keep it low key with a home cooked meal, some wine, and a movie of her choice as we snuggle.

Now I'm sure after reading that there are more than a few of you thinking to yourself "You poor misguided fool" and making bets that I'll only have the one Valentine's Day with her if that is my approach. If that is the case than so be it as it will mean she places more value on me conforming to one day of expressing my love for her than a years worth of actions that show her how I feel.

I'm hoping I'm lucky enough to be with a woman who doesn't just accept the short term one day event over a lifetime of love.

I do wish all of you a Happy Valentine's Day and hope it was as special as you wanted it to be.


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