Saturday, April 2, 2016

A Very Deja Vu like Saturday

Saturday, April 02/16

So my day started off with a nice walk with Moki, a shave and very hot shower, and ended with me making some bacon and eggs for breakfast for me and my son before he departed with his mom to start his week with her.

After he left I tidied up the kitchen and than set out to run some errands.

Now there was nothing special about the errands when taken one by one, no, they were pretty run of the mill and I'm sure more than one person made some of the same stops I did today.

What makes them stand out is combination of them and how they are the same ones I used to do last summer when I was up the valley visiting C for the weekend.

Now this isn't going to turn into a rambling trip down the dark paths of my lost love. No, just an observation of how something things in life seem to go on repeat when you don't even know it.

So this was my itinerary today......LCBO for some Somersby to enjoy while I eat a nice steak and watch a movie tonight, Dollar store for some hooks and a new shower liner, The Bulk Barn for something to quell my sweet tooth, Wal Mart for some new bath towels, and finishing up at Loblaws for milk, bread, and the aforementioned steak.

It was while walking from the Bulk Barn to my car to drop off my purchases before heading into Wal Mart that it dawned on me that I'd done this almost same sequence more than a few times last summer, and instead of feeling sad about it, the thought made me smile.

The only differences between than and now would have been me getting up to play golf before we ran these errands and the nocturnal activities we'd have engaged in before falling asleep. Now the first didn't happen for a couple of reasons, primarily because golf courses haven't opened yet and I had to have the son ready for 11:45 this morning. If the last thing happens if will only be in my dreams and I probably shouldn't mention it too much else reader opinions plummet faster than the Liberals breaking election budget promises lol

We've all had moments like that but this was different in that it wasn't just a moment but rather a complete sequence of events that seemed to be followed in the same order as when done last year.

It is a small world and now as random as we'd like to think, least that is my take on it.


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