Friday, April 01/16
So with the craziness that was the final week of our company there wasn't any time to plan any good pranks either at work or at home on my son.
Things have been so stressful that I've literally been coming home and falling asleep on the couch as my brain is fried from all the demands being placed on our team.
The sale closed last night at 11:59pm and it is almost like a communication vortex settled over us right afterwards as I went from averaging 40-50 emails and 5-10 calls per day to nothing today.
When I say nothing I am actually not exaggerating as I didn't get a single email or call today when I was at work and I'm not the only one to notice this decrease as several of the team made the same observation. Maybe they just took pity on us and were too busy reviewing the final sale documents and it will resume on Tuesday, we're offsite on Monday doing our new employee orientation and onboarding, and I'll kick myself in the ass for tempting fate by mentioning all of this lol
So I'm wondering what kind of pranks you pulled or had pulled on you today?
My night was a movie and pizza with my son as he's staying with me tonight while his mom attends the Garth Brooks concert and has people staying overnight at her place. We watched "San Andreas" and I have to admit it made me think of California but didn't have me wishing I was there in the least.
More posts to come over the weekend so stay tuned :)
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