Saturday, April 16, 2016

Once More Romantic Me versus Logical Me

Saturday, April 16/16

So the big weekend has arrived and I'm getting myself set for it.

Big weekend? Set for it?

I can hear you asking yourself "what the hell is Marcus rambling about now?"

Well today is my son's 17th birthday so that alone makes it a big weekend in my books, and if you add in the fact that there is a huge Gala event happening tonight that I know will bring a certain drop dead gorgeous woman into the city and it is absolutely a big weekend.

The birthday part is easy to deal with as I took him out to dinner last night before dropping him off at his mom's place to start his week with her. He's having some buddies over for a "Bro's Gaming Weekend" and they'll be hitting a local movie theatre that offers gaming on the huge screen. He's done this before and it's very cool.  I set my alarm and sent him a happy birthday text at 2:11 this morning as that was the moment he decided to bless us with his presence - Moki was not impressed with the alarm going off in the middle of the night :)

Now the Gala is a whole different story and one a lot harder to deal with as I wished I was there as her plus one like I was last year. As I sit here writing this entry I can see the whole event from last year unfolding and can't put into words the feelings I felt inside as that night unfolded. It was my first indoctrination into a very special way of life and just the first of many times I'd be left smiling and feeling so very proud of C and the rest of her organization.

During lunch with A on Thursday we talked about the upcoming weekend and compared plans, with him having booked off Friday in order to drive down to Toronto with his family to watch his daughters high school basketball team in the OFSAA playoffs and my dealing with the birthday and Gala.

A smiled and reminded me that the weather was going to be great so I should get my ass off to either the driving range to test my back or to a course and get the first round of the season in the books.

He told me not to drink or I might end up drunk texting C and we both laughed at the thought. I told him I've never drunk texted/called anyone nor have I ever received one in return. He sort of found that shocking but it's true. He then smiled and said maybe this would be the weekend I lose my drunk texting cherry lol

The truth is I can't see myself doing something like that as it would require me getting hammered to lose that kind of control and the last time I let that happen I was in Jamaica with C and the end result was falling asleep....not the end to that night either of us was looking for but I think I made up for it the next day :)

I'd love to get a drunk text from C tonight but doubt it will happen as I'm sure her night will be filled with fun and even some romance given the nature of the night.

Romantic me so wants to hear from her and logical me just sits back and wonders when I became such a pathetic guy who longs for something he knows will never happen.

Romantic me will be keeping my iPhone handy while logical me thinks we need to go see a movie so we can keep our divided mind off of things.

I know this all sounds so silly but nobody ever said love had to make sense, hell if it did I'd doubt many of us would ever get involved with someone in order to avoid the convoluted feelings it seems to bring out in us.

My name is Marcus and these are my attempts to document being a parent, friend, co-worker, mastering the perfect 8 iron from +135 yards, and finding love.

Oh...before I close this out today's musical suggestion is a bit old school with Breakout by Swing Out Sister....enjoy

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