Sunday, April 3, 2016

Reminders to the left of me, reminders to the right of me, and now reminders in my email

Sunday, April 03/16

So yesterday's blog was about having one of the those déjà vu moments that was really a series of such moments strung together one after the other, something I've had before and if you think about it a bit probably something you've experienced as well.

Now the interesting part is how they are showing up via my email inbox.

Sounds kind of strange right? I couldn't agree more and here's the 411 on this particular act.

Almost a year ago I was C's plus one to her organizations annual event and it is a really big deal. How big you ask, well think careers can't be made at the event but they can certainly be ruined with the wrong behavior and knowing this upfront I can only say how careful I was with my choice of words and the amount of alcohol I imbibed, as in one drink the entire night.

Part of that was because I hold C and her fellow coworkers in pretty high awe for what they do isn't easy, isn't always appreciated, can be life threatening, and yet they are the first people we call upon when the proverbial shit hit the fan around the world.  I honestly sleep better at night knowing there are people like C and her teams looking out for the rest of us.

Because this event is a very big deal it is also quite formal, as in evening gowns and tuxedos. Rather not my ordinary style of attire, for sure not an evening gown as I can never find one that catches my eye colour in just the right way, but I'll be the first to admit that I rather enjoyed wearing a tuxedo and think I wasn't all that bad looking in it. Maybe not James Bond 007 debonair but certainly not as bad as that cartoon character Tennessee Tuxedo from my youth. C was stunning and I have to say I was on my best not to put a hand on her in the wrong way, if you know what I mean and I'm quite confident you do know as most of you are almost as dirty minded as the blogger :)

So none of this explains my déjà vu email moment and maybe I've gotten off track a bit as the memories of that night wander around my head so let me refocus on this entry.......

I don't own a tuxedo, though C joked I might want to think about investing in one seeing as how we'd be attending this event for many years to come, wishful dreams as it turned out (place heavy sigh here), and had to rent one. It was far easier to rent one than I thought and they did all the usual like take my measurements and make notes on my contact information.

Now that last part is the key thing to note............they took my contact information when I paid my deposit.

Late yesterday afternoon I got a nice email reminding me of the event, don't even remember mentioning it during the fitting but guess I did, and that it wasn't too late to come and get my tuxedo for this years occurrence.

I wish I was going as it made me so proud to see how many people knew C and had something nice to say about her, she is very well thought of in her organization, which goes without saying given her level of responsibility but is still nice to hear all the same.

So being the inquisitive person I am I Googled the event to check the date and noticed it was on my free weekend, last year I had to get my son to go to his mom's for the night as I wasn't trusting a teenage boy alone over night in my house lest some hussy take advantage of him :)

It's a great night and I'm sure C and all her coworkers will be staying up to the wee hours as they celebrate another wonderful year. I think I'll raise a toast to her and them on my own as it just seems like the right thing to do.

My name is Marcus and this blog is my way of documenting my efforts to be a good parent, friend, co-worker, attempt to master the perfect 8 iron from +130 yards, re-entering the dating world, and maybe, just maybe, meeting my one and having my last first kiss.

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