Saturday, April 9, 2016

Observation on the Count

Saturday, April 09/16

Tonight's musical suggestion is "2AM" by Bear Hands. A very catchy little tune if I say so myself and I do, like I'd listen if told not to say anything....that's how we roll in this shire :)

Been a week since I posted and not for lack of subject material but rather lack of energy due to being far too busy at work.  Hoping that changes as the sale closed and now we are part of something bigger, and hopefully better, least for the next six months on my end :)

Even though I haven't posted anything lately I have been keeping an eye on the blog and was shocked to see the view counter currently sits at 9,761 views..........

I remember the entry I wrote back in the fall when I was around the 6,000 mark and expressed the desire to hit 8K by end of the year, falling just a couple of hundred hits short.

So that means that in the span of a little more than 3 months there have been almost 2K views.

When I figured this out, and yes it meant using all ten fingers and some toes, it blew me away.

Hopefully some of the blogs have made you smile, possibly made you cry, made you think about yourself and the world around us, introduced you to a new artist/song, and more than anything else, I pray one might have given you hope and made you realize you're not alone in this adventure we call life.

Thanks for spending a few moments to read the words and the message in the words.

My name is Marcus and this marks my 324th entry to the blog "Observations of a Single Man" since February 2013. The funny thing is that this blog started on a dating website and probably has closer to 400 entries but I just never put some of the originals up here.

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