Saturday, April 23, 2016

Saturday, so busy and so completely satisfying

Saturday, April 23/16 has been one crazy busy day filled with errands and some fun activities.

Yesterday was one of those days where I just didn't feel like cooking so when I got home I offered to take my son and his girlfriend out for sushi at Kanata Fusion House, our go to spot the past few months. It was kind of busy and not quite as good as usual but we are hoping it was a one time glitch as it is so close and convenient when we get a craving for sushi :)

Set the alarm for 8:15 this morning as there were some things I wanted to do first thing and I sort of learned from someone that it's a great time to get up and tackle the day, still leaving the afternoon for fun things.

My errands included Shoppers Drug for an antihistamine for my son as he is suffering from seasonal allergies, Kanata PharmaSave to ask a question about my prescriptions, Pet Smart to get some treats for Moki, Loblaws to load up on groceries to keep one teenage son fueled up, and the bank to get some cash for his lunches this week as well as food money before his tutoring sessions.

Once I got home I put everything away and woke the sleeping giant up so he could have something to eat before we watched the FA Cup semi final match between Manchester United and Everton from Wembley Stadium. It was a nail biter but my beloved ManU pulled it out 2-1 and will face the winner of the Watford v Crystal Palace match in the FA Cup Final next month!!!!

Once the match ended my son went upstairs to do some studying for his math test on Monday and I loaded my golf bag into the car and headed over to Glen Mar to see if I could get 9 in before dinner, luck was with me and I was able to play the back 9, though I struggled for the first few holes before finding a rhythm the last 5 holes and played the way I thought possible, bogey golf :)

Dinner was a nice prosciutto stuffed tortellini and garlic bread, after which I let my son talk me into watching 28 Weeks Later..........kind of scary and I didn't like the end at all, not that it's a bad ending just one I didn't see coming.

I was going to act like a driver for my daughter and take her downtown for her friends birthday but she called and said she didn't feel up to it as she's had a long week so I'm off the hook now :)

Thinking tomorrow will be some yard work, tend to some house chores, catch up on laundry, grill up a nice steak with roasted potatoes and green beans for dinner before we end the night with the season premiere of "Game of Thrones".

All in all not too bad of a weekend, bit hectic and has me a little tired but that just means I might sleep really well.

How was your day?


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