Monday, April 25/16
So my Sunday was sort of a strange one in that I got some things done and skipped some others.
The strangeness started with the 8:02am text from my daughter that simply said "Dad"
Now I don't mind getting texts from my kids but to send me one at 8am on a Sunday just seems silly as they both know that is my day to sleep in a bit.
Being annoyed at her for the single word text meant I didn't respond to it. Now some may criticize me for that but my position is that if it was important she'd have called me or used more than one word in her message. Instead I rolled over and went back to sleep to try and finish a very bizarre dream, one I won't be getting into at this time.
When I did wake up I figured it was around 9 or 9:30 but was shocked to see it was actually 12:10pm!!!!!
Think I slept in so long due to still recovering from last weeks cold as I've been fighting the runny nose and cough since Friday. Hopefully that is now behind me and I can just feel better from here on out, fingers crossed!
Even Moki seemed shocked at the time, another shock being how she ended up in my room as the last I saw of her Saturday night was her curled up on the sons bed sound asleep as he talked to his girlfriend. Guessing at some point he left his room for a drink or snack and she used the opportunity to change rooms and the chance to hog my bed versus his bed lol
After taking her for a quick walk I woke the son up so he could eat something and resume his math test preparations, ran an errand to the pharmacy to get my prescription, and brought home some lunch for us.
Before leaving I got a call from the daughter asking if I wanted to meet her and her boyfriend at Bruce Pitt so the dogs could run around and get some exercise. BP is a cool place but not somewhere I want Moki after a rain as it gets very muddy and given her fur colour, so I said not this week and once it gets dry we'll be good to go, she called me a wuss with a laugh and hung up :)
I tidied up the house and sorted the laundry before succumbing to the siren call of Golf Town. While there I chatted with a sales associate about the recent course openings and compared notes on who looked good greens wise and who had some winter damage to beware of, turns out nobody :)
Once home I did some bill paying online and got the grill going for our steak with roasted potatoes and green beans. Turned out delish and the topping, as usual, was the seasonings from that little shoppe down in Westport.
We ended the night watching the season premiere of Game of Thrones and about 10 minutes in both agreed we should have done preview watching of last seasons final 2 episodes as we had so many questions on different characters and scenes for one another.
So not the craziest of weekends but yet one I enjoyed and hope to repeat again soon.
This coming weekend will be my bachelor weeken so its sure to include a round of golf, some yard work, and possibly drinks as I've been approached about doing that whole meet and greet thing. Not convinced I'm up for it just yet but as my daughter reminds me "you've got to start at some point dad"........
My name is Marcus and this blog is my attempt to document my efforts as a father, friend, co-worker, mastering the perfect 8 iron from +135 yards, and starting to date once more in the hope I find that all important click we all desire.
P.S. Saturday's round saw me come close to hitting a perfect 8 iron from +130 yards but I didn't take the wind into account and it slid off the right side of the 18th green so it doesn't count.
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