Wednesday, April 20/16
So I've been laid up in bed the past two days with a spring cold that has me congested with a sore and scratchy throat.
I honestly think spring colds are the worst as it comes at a point when the weather has started to change for the better and your body begins to relax a bit from the hardships of winter.
I felt it coming on while playing the back 9 at Mapleview on Sunday but didn't have any Tylenol in the car so wasn't able to medicine up till I got home. Made it through the day on Monday but when I got home from work pretty much fell asleep straightaway and didn't wake up till almost 6am to the normal aches and pains.
Feel bad about missing work as we have a new set of auditors in the office doing some balance sheet reviews but feeling like I do and being around people would just be so wrong.
So it's back to the couch for me with some soup and juice along with more Buckley's.....the caplets and not the liquid.....yuck my entire body shudders at the thought of that taste!!!!
My name is Marcus and I admit to being a bit of a baby when I don't feel well.
Its strange to me that spring colds seem to beat us up a lot worse than a winter cold. I always thought those would be more harsh. I second the "pills not the liquid", every time I even attempt to take liquid medicine, I gag! It's torture! I always feel guilty about missing work, even when its out of my control. But rest up, that's the absolute best thing you can do.