Friday, April 22, 2016

The Weekend!!!!!

Friday, April 22/16

So the weekend is here and couldn't come a minute too soon as though I've gotten lots of rest this week I'm still feeling a bit tired and can see a nap in my future.

I don't have any real plans and though you'd think I'd be looking to get a round or two of golf in this weekend think I'll be keeping it calm since I'm still getting over that nasty cold.

The son has a math test on Monday so there will be some studying to get done and if the weather is nice I might see about raking/thatching the front lawn and starting to review my options for updating the yards.

Moki is looking a bit ragged so I'm sure there is a bath in her future....shhhhhh don't tell her

I'm sure along the way there will be other things that come up but for the most part things will be pretty calm and quiet :)

So what is on your agenda for the weekend?


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