Friday, March 10, 2017

A Big Sigh of Relief

Friday, March 10/17

Happy Friday to everyone and congratulations for making it through another week :-)

My son left yesterday for a nine day school trip through Europe so I imagine you can understand my saying how relieved I felt this morning to get a text from him at 5:45 AM EST letting me know they'd arrived safe and sound at Frankfurt.

Lots of sights to see and I'm hoping he takes it all in and enjoys himself. His biggest thrill is getting to go back to Italy and have some great food while visiting Venice.

They are making a stop to Dachau and I am really interested to hear how this impacted him when he gets home and we have a chance to talk about it. There is German in our gene pool and I have to admit this is the dark spot about having such ancestry, in my own mind at least.

Now before any of you internet trolls start telling me how it was all a hoax let me just say this - shut the fuck up and crawl back under the rock from which your interbred parents spawned you.

It is as real as the other horrible acts man has managed to commit upon himself in the name of one misguided system or another: The Crusades, Pol Pot in Cambodia, Rwanda, Stalin, and the Cultural Revolution to name just a few.

So we won't be having any of that on this channel folks as the moderator, yours truly, has more than half a functioning brain and won't be putting up with any such nonsense.

So now I'm off to work and will be checking my phone every now and again to see just what the worlds greatest son is up to today.

Talk to you later,


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