Saturday, March 04/17
I woke up early this morning and am almost willing to swear I saw mist when I exhaled it was so cold.
Normally I prefer my house a bit cooler than most people as I just find it easier to sleep when I can burrow under the sheets and duvet but it was even too cold for me this morning, cold enough to get me to actually drag my tired butt out from under those same blanket and duvet to turn the thermostat up and get the heat going.
I know it's cold when I open the door to let Moki out for a walk and she takes one look outside, gets a feel for the temperature, and gives me that look that says I must have been dropped on my head at birth if I even think she is going to step foot outside the house and turns around to go lay down on her pillow.
One of the pitfalls of having to get up so early during the week to avoid traffic on my way to the Glebe is that I'm now waking early on the weekends, which sort of sucks in the winter but should serve me well come spring and summer when I have to be up early to get to my tee times :)
Today sees me with an otherwise empty slate once I get a few errands done. Chief among them is getting the oil changed in my car and refilling my son's prescription so I can drop it off at his mom's and cross one more trip related task off the list.
Pretty mundane but I don't ever remember making a claim that I lead an exciting life.
Now I will say this, I'm a pretty average and normal guy but sometimes I have some of the weirdest shit happen to me that just leaves me scratching my head wondering what the hell is going on.
That is my lead to a blog I'm working on that hopefully makes you smile and will more than likely question my sanity........bit of a teaser there eh? well just wait and you can decide for yourself when you read it. I wish I could make this shit up but it just happens as it happens.
My name is Marcus and these are my ongoing adventures as a single dad, friend, golfer, and the search for my one, not the perfect one but the imperfectly perfect one for me :)
Today's musical suggestion is a bit old school but one that I was just cranking pretty damn loud, good thing my next door neighbours are out and about lol
The Chain by Fleetwood Mac - on the soundtrack for the new Guardians of the Galaxy coming out in May. Love the guitar and drum combined solo....pump it up and enjoy the day folks
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