Friday, March 17, 2017

Was Wednesday Mother Natures Last Throw of the Die?

Friday, March 17/17

Happy St, Patrick's Day to all of you.

Have you been getting your Irish on today?

So we had a bit of a snowfall on Tuesday night crossing over into Wednesday morning.

How much of a bit you ask?

Well when I got up around 10am I figured Moki needed to go outside and went to let her out only to find my side door was completely snowed shut. You heard me right, I couldn't open the side door as there was about 3 feet of snow on the side deck pinning the door closed.

I had to go out the front door, the one I never use, and literally climb up the snow bank to reach the shovels just inside the gate to the deck and backyard.

Normally this wouldn't be too much of an issue but I'd called in sick that day as I'd been up all night with a severe headache and upset stomach that kept me from getting any rest. So you can imagine just how great shovelling snow for almost 2 hours made me feel on top of everything else........

I think I've mentioned before how Moki has this tendency to run down the deck and leap into the air like a gazelle when she first gets outside in the morning so I thought I'd give you a little visual sample so you could actually see her in flight.

That is Moki the Wonder Puppy testing the law of gravity as she launches herself off the deck does a fair imitation of a belly flop into the snow.

See all that snow the left? Well none of it was there when I left for work on Tuesday morning!!!

So now that I've teased you with a picture bet you are wondering when I'll post one of myself, well don't hold your collective breath on that one folks as I do value my privacy but even more important, I value my children's even more and am quite protective of keeping them out of the limelight, such as it might be.

On that note, my son comes home from his 8+ days in Europe and I can't wait to see him, hear all about his trip, and get his thoughts on the sights he took in while in Germany and Austria.

I'll let you know what he has to say tomorrow or Sunday.


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