Sunday, March 05/17
Yesterday's Lent outcome was a little different than usual and one I hope you take to heart, and if possible try to emulate yourself when the moment presents itself.
I went to Boston Pizza for lunch yesterday as I'd had a hankering for some shrimp taco's, a little treat I learned to like when lunching at the BP in Pembroke back in 2015 after a morning round of golf and some errands with my lady friend :)
There was a young woman sitting in the booth with her sons in front of mine. She looked a little frazzled but was so attentive to her boys it made me smile. I overheard her eldest son, a boy of about 6 I'd say, ask if they could go to the dollar store to get some new colouring books and her reply that she didn't have the money to do that as they'd decided to have a nice lunch out today as a family.
Now hearing that made me think back to when I lived in San Diego and the times my mom would take me to either Hob Nob Hill on First Avenue or Rutherford's on El Cajon Boulevard for dinner when it was just the two of us.
Hob Nob was a quaint little place that would have been more suited for an older clientele than we counted as but the food was good and the service always made us feel like regulars. They had the best bread and we'd always buy a loaf to take home. Rutherford's is an old style diner when it wasn't the hip theme or style to follow. Simple food with wonderful older women serving it with a smile and kind words. Two of those places you look back upon and have nothing but the fondest memories.
So as I heard this exchange it made me decide to do something about it. Since I was sitting right behind them I couldn't very well tell the waiter my plan nor would be getting up and walking over to the bar and talking to him have been all that subtle either. What to do? Than it hit me, I typed a text message to myself and when he came over to replenish my drink I handed him the phone and pointed to the text message for him to read. He gave me a quizzical look but took the phone from me and read the following message:
"Please don't say anything at all about this but please place the young families bill on my tab"
He looked at me, smiled, and said not a problem as he handed me back my phone. I smiled and thanked him for the refill as I went back to reading my tablet while waiting for my meal to arrive.
I enjoyed a wonderful lunch, made some progress on the most recent book I've started to read on my iPad, and generally kept my eyes away from the table next to mine.
They finished up and she started gathering up the boys coats, toques, and mitts while signaling for the bill.
When the waiter came over I made sure to have my attention on my tablet.
I heard her ask him for the cheque and him tell her that the bill had already been taken care of and he hoped she had a nice day.
She asked what he meant as she hadn't paid yet and tried to hand him some money. He smiled and said someone else had paid for the meal, wished her a good day again and walked over to another table to clear some plates away.
As she stood up she looked around the room trying to see if she could figure out who was responsible for it. I could sense her gaze stop upon me but just continued to read my tablet. She hesitated for a moment but than turned to her boys and said something that made my day.
"Well boys it looks like we're going to get some new colouring books and even new crayons as someone just did a very nice thing for us"
They were all smiles and one leaned over to hug his mom so tight that she literally let out a breathe.
I looked up and watched them walk out of the restaurant and didn't notice the waiter had come up and was standing at my table. When I looked at him he smiled and said "thanks for making my day"
Now I'm not telling you about this in order for you to sit back and say to yourself "What a nice thing to do, that Marcus sure is a great guy"
No, I'm sharing this story so maybe the same opportunity will present itself and you can act upon it. we all need a hand sometimes, not a handout but a hand, and if my doing something so simple can make two young boys smile and hug their mom like those two did than more of that is to come.
I know at some point she is going to return that simple act of random kindness and it will be played forward over and over, maybe even coming full circle to me or a member of my family.
In the end I view that money as well spent, an investment in the future if you will. Not necessarily my direct future, but the future nonetheless.
My name is Marcus and this blog chronicles my attempts to be a good father, friend, worker, citizen of my community, and the search for my one.
Today's musical suggestion is "Wake Up" by Eden. My son played this for me last Monday as we were driving to see his sisters soccer game and it really touched a chord within me, which is usually his intent and the result when he plays me some of the artists he is listening too.
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