Sunday, March 5, 2017

Holy Sweet Banana's!!!!

Sunday, March 05/17

I literally almost fell out of my fucking chair a few moments ago when I saw the view count for yesterday's "You Know It's Cold When..." blog entry.

Over 250 view in less than a day.....has to be a one day record for this blog.

I've got a few posts that each run into the 300-400 view range but that's all time views and not just a single day.

So just how cold was it yesterday?

Well the high was -14c

The low was -21c

But the kick in the face we all felt was the wind chill of -33c

They have been holding the Red Bull Crashed Ice downtown on the locks between the Chateau Laurier and Parliament will with crowds expected upwards of 80,000 strong........wondering what they really were given the cold yesterday......probably still pretty good given the young demographics for the event and it's location......right next door to the Byward Market and all those establishments offering up some liquid warmth :)

Well I'm off to do some house cleaning and than look at getting that oil changed in the car - line was way too long yesterday so I decided to put it off till today.


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