Friday, March 3, 2017

A Little of This and a Little of That on a Cold Friday

Friday, March 03/17

So day three of my Lent is almost in the books and so far so good :)

Of course it has come to my attention that it is also causing problems for a few people, namely my boss lol

Chris likes to get out of the office at least once a week to just hash over things while we grab some lunch. The problem being we are so damn busy that it usually means going to South Street Burger at Lansdowne Park near our offices, which is a pretty good place to grab a meal. The quandary for me is that I haven't been able to determine if it qualifies as fast food and thus off my radar during Lent. He's trying to convince me it is like a restaurant but I'm not willing to concede the point just yet. I mean it's better too error on the side of caution if in doubt right?

It dawned on me that my son leaves for his Europe trip next Thursday and because he's gone over March break, which is my week, I'll literally go almost three weeks without seeing him after this morning. So before I left for work this morning and before his alarm went off to wake him up, I snuck into his room and whispered "Love you worlds greatest son" and kissed the top of his head.

I didn't think he heard me but guess I was wrong as I got a text as I was walking up the stairs to my office that simply read "Love you too worlds greatest dad, have a great weekend and get out and do something"

Texted back a smiley face and then texted his mom asking if he could come over for the night on Tuesday and her response was our usual classic reply to such a question from one another "Of course"

Amazing how well you can co-parent when you put differences aside and just focus on what is important - the kids!!

Tomorrow was going to be tax filing day but I noticed an error with one of my RRSP receipts related to the buyout I received last year so now I'm trying to figure out how to get it fixed. Can't even be mad at anyone other than myself as I filled out the form incorrectly when they funded the disbursement.

Is it schizophrenia or just your own personal rave raging in your head? I say party on my friend :)

As I was leaving work tonight I held the door open for a young lady and she commented on how busy TD Place was and wondered what was going on. I remembered that Billy Talent was in concert and she smiled and said that would have been a good show to see, I agreed with her but said I'd prefer to see Mother Mother later this month whereupon she smiled at me as she opened the door to her car and wished me a good night. I smiled back and said have a better weekend and she laughed, reached over and high fived me as she replied "Touche" my friend.

I had the strangest dream the other night. Can't really say much about it without violating my rule about never disclosing where someone works so all I can really say is that I woke up asking myself "WTF was that all about" and than smiling as I thought about the person who was the centre of the dream.

Think I'm going to head off and make myself some dinner, watch some Netflix, and let a certain spoiled puppy curl up in my lap for some back rubs :-)

Have a great Friday night, stay warm, and be safe.


Today's musical suggestion is "Rooting for You" from London Grammar. Man does the lead singer have a voice and this song really lets it shine.

Here is the YouTube link for those interested:

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