Friday, March 10, 2017


Friday, March 10/17

So here we are at the weekend and a good one it promises to be!!

I'm meeting up with Andrew for a late lunch and cold one tomorrow afternoon down at Lansdowne Park after spending the morning with my most awesome grandson Baby Jack, of course I'll see Jack's mom and dad as well but lets face it, that young man will be grandpa's focus :)

I was texting with my son this afternoon and it sounds like he is doing good, had his first German lunch, and was getting ready to hit the sheets as they have a 6am wake up call for the morning, sounds like he is enjoying the sights and likes the medieval architecture of the small town they are staying at on the way to Munich.

We change the clocks tomorrow night before bed and that can only mean that golf is not that far off becoming a reality once more.

Yes, I've been practicing my putting in the basement and going over my clubs and bag. One can never be too prepared now can one.

I've gotten some responses to the last couple of blog postings and will share them with you over the weekend. They pretty much went the way I thought they would so no major surprises.

Well, maybe with the exception of my new favorite Internet troll, Maria from Seattle lol

That woman has taken a very intense dislike to me and is like a dog with a bone, just unwilling to let go and get on with her life. The funny thing is she actually thinks that somehow I'm going to change my ways based on her venom, she is so in for a shock as I'm going to keep on being me, posting about the things that I find interesting, and the hell with anyone who doesn't like it. I mean you do always have the option of not following the blog right, not going to cost me anything as I'm not paid to do this gig.

Ten days down in my Lent sacrifice and so far so good. I've been posting more regularly and it feels great.


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