Tuesday, March 07/17
So it looks like I've opened up a real can of worms with my response to our lovely Maria from Seattle.
The emails have been flowing in and poor Maria should really thank me for not publishing her email address as they are running something like 9:1 against her.
Yes, I have her real email and it appears to be both her home account and work email as well, looks like she cc'd herself so she could sit back and bask in the glory that is her self proclaimed wit.
I considered taking the post down but than thought why should I do that, it only serves to empower her more and heaven knows we don't need any more small minded people having an even bigger soap box to stand on.
Best thing has been all the support for just being who I've always wanted to be, a dad and loving parent.
So to Wendy, Todd, Michelle, Brea-Anne, Cathy, Kathy, Mitchell (not Mitch), Mitch, Vlad, Juan, Annie, Hector, and Caitlyn to name a few.....thank you
As for Maria from Seattle, Tess from Mobile, Daphne from London, Zachery from Salt Lake City I still have zero fucks to give about you and your negative message.
My name is Marcus and these are my ongoing adventures being a single dad, friend, co-worker, striking the perfect 8 iron from 135+ yards pin high, and trying my hand at dating.
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